reading help

There are specific guidelines for what to include in this discussion: “Predict, explain, summarize, evaluate.” That means you should make a prediction on the themes, readings, or make a reading connection to our course goals or another outside issue that you find relevant in a paragraph or two. Explain and summarize the prediction in a … Read more

Week6 dis Issues of Advocacy and Social Justice

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Hill (2013) “Partnering with a Purpose: Psychologists as Advocates in Organizations,” Cohen, Lee, & McIlwraith (2012) “The Psychology of Advocacy and the Advocacy of Psychology,” Heinowitz, et al. (2012) “Identifying Perceived Personal Barriers to Public Policy Advocacy within Psychology,” Lewis, Ratts, Paladino, & Toporek (2011) “Social Justice … Read more

Post Modern Therapies

 a Discuss solution-focused brief therapy. Describe key concepts and specific interventions including the use of the miracle question.  b. Discuss narrative therapy. Describe key concepts and specific interventions. c. Discuss strengths and limitations of SFBT and Narrative therapy  References

Wk 4 Dis The Complexities of E-Therapy

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please watch the Virtual Clinic Links to an external site. video and review the Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology (2013). Be sure to also read Baker and Bufka (2011), “Preparing for the Telehealth World: Navigating Legal, Regulatory, Reimbursement, and Ethical Issues in an Electronic Age,” Harris and Younggren … Read more

Genogram Project

It is imperative that I pass this assignment so that I can pass this class. Please ensure you do the assignment and follow every instruction given. I am willing to pay what is needed to ensure I pass this assignment. 

Security Breaches in the News

Security Breaches in the News A major data breach may be one of the most serious types of security incidents, which may result in legal and regulatory sanctions as well as serious reputational damage to an organization’s brand. Provide a brief summary of an instance where a company fell victim to a major data breach. … Read more

Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Networking

Describe the structure, relationships, and connections between the cloud and the Web. Do you see weak points or flaws? If so, recommend mitigation and suggestions for strong ties. Response Guidelines Review posts by your fellow learners, and respond to at least two posts. Comment on information or experience you have, or share your perceptions and … Read more

Literary analysis outline

Write a comparison or contrast about two of the corresponding characters in the table below. You will choose three of the points of comparison from the pool below as your points of comparison or contrast. Keep in mind that the purpose of a comparison or contrast is to reveal something meaningful about the characters and … Read more


175-250 my subject is Major league Baseball MLB  in Western Europe mainly Germany  Identify and describe the emerging issues and opportunities of the  organization that you have chosen to focus on for your final project in  relation to the proposed target country.  


 You are the risk manager of a hospital. A nurse from the operating room reports that, during a surgery, the head surgeon did not conduct a “time out” to confirm the side and site of the surgery. You question the surgeon, and he denies the incident. There is no injury to the patient. What is … Read more