
In the assigned article, “Making Mergers Succeed,” what do dealmakers identify as the key to making M&A succeed? Carey, D. (2000). Making Mergers Succeed. Harvard Business Review, 78(3), 145–154.

Week 6 – DV

Take the assignment from the previous week (previous assignment attached), add at least twice as much data to the sets.  Note how this impacted the results from the previous week.  Be sure to have a visualization to show the initial results and the new results.  Be sure to explain why the results are different or … Read more


Tuberculosis Definition of the disease, symptoms, Demographics, causes, diagnosis, stages of the disease, treatment, side effects of the medication, complications, prognosis

Family Assessment

 Give a brief summary evaluation of your community’s health, the major strengths of your community, and the hopes for your community in the future.  Also, discuss what has resonated with you in this course. 


Supporting Lectures: Ethics and Morals Ethical Systems At this early stage of the course, consider your own pre-existing thoughts on the topic of ethical behavior. What problems arise in the application of personal ethics to law enforcement practices and to the criminal justice system? What is the difference between morality, ethics, and professional standards? How … Read more

Any finance expert here?

I really need help in my finance class? My budget is good and more than average but i have questions, who can answer good and correct, I will hire him. I had very bad experiences, so please someone who is good and genuine. 

Health Assessment Question #3

 After reviewing Chapter 5 of the Brinkley textbook and the Etre (2017) article, discuss surprising facts about the psychosocial care of the aging. Did you originally consider any of these as misconceptions, when in reality they may be based on evidence? How can nurses influence attitudes among caregivers and the public about aging?