
Look around your community, neighborhood, or online for a current business that you frequent. Create a PowerPoint presentation of a comprehensive SWOT analysis of the business. How do you think this business can improve? What external factors may help or hurt this venture? There should be a minimum of 10 well-detailed slides. You should have … Read more

English English homework

Choose one of the rough draft emails below that business people have sent to their bosses or coworkers. Revise and edit each draft referring to the Revisions list. Turn in your revision and the final, reader-ready copy. As you revise, keep in mind that you may have to delete and add information, rearrange the order … Read more

Discussion Question

 Choose one: Discussion Everyone assumes there is a single database for fingerprints in the United States and you just input your unknown print and it searches all. Discuss why elimination prints are necessary both to solve a case and to avoid issues at trial. What is the database for fingerprints and how does this assist … Read more

dis #2

  Watch the following TedTalks video, where Nancy Durate discusses communication: LinkLinks to an external site.  ( to an external site.) (18 mins; cc) IMPORTANT: You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1 and question 2.  After you have replied to question 1 and question 2, you will then be able to … Read more

Module 5 Discussion

  After watching the Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior video discuss the following: Importance of conducting a functional analysis. How functional analysis will support your work with clients. What challenges you might foresee in conducting a FA. Why do we want to evoke a response? In addition, ask one question you have from the video … Read more

Social Change Reflection

Consider how becoming a systems thinker can help you promote social change. Reflect on what you learned in this course about social change and prevention, advocacy, and consultation. Consider how you will use what you learned in your current or future role in the human services profession to effect positive social change.  How do I … Read more


<a href=””>Slope Game</a>   [url=]Slope Game[/url]  [Slope Game](

critical thinking #2

For the following two links, identify the following: 1) What was the data collection technique used? 2) What type of research was used? 3) Identify the research variables. If appropriate, identify the variables as the independent variable, dependent variable, or quasi independent variable. 4) How are each of the above mentioned variables operationally defined? Article … Read more

Recognizing the Need for Change

Rita McGrath, Columbia Business School professor and author of the article, “Transient Advantage,” discusses several traps that can blind a company to the need for imminent changes to their strategy to preserve competitive advantage. These traps, discussed in the second half of the article, include: the first-mover trap, the superiority trap, the quality trap, the … Read more

Week 8 Discussion BUSN 460

As a last demonstration of your grasp of the material in this course, provide a short narrative of the three main takeaways you have learned about international business over the last eight weeks and how they will positively impact you and your role as a Christian leader to change the world.  There is no response … Read more