project team

  Based on your experience as an IT professional, you will develop a set of objectives and activities to improve the effectiveness of a project management team. By completing this assignment, you will show that you can apply sound educational practices for IT professionals. Instructions Your organization has asked you, as an instructor of IT … Read more

wk 4 discuss strategies to engage

 Based on what you know about project management students, create a mock learning experience within the IT domain, and describe how you would deliver this information to the class. A course teaching project management skills may follow the assumption that incorporating the learners’ personal experiences, stories, or success strategies is a good way to get … Read more

week 4

  Identify a nurse-driven topic of interest related to a current challenge in nursing or your workplace and explain why it is a nursing problem. This topic will be used to complete the remainder course assignments. Be sure to review any feedback from the faculty this week posted on the discussion board. Evidence-based practice uses … Read more

HIT 1550 MOD 2 DB

 After reviewing the obstetrics chapter, identify and discuss a root operation that you find interesting. Do you think finding root operations in the obstetrics chapter will be easier than the medical surgical section? Why or why not? What are some other aspects of obstetric coding that you find interesting? 

Psychology Familial Worldview Report: First Interview Assignment

  Please see below the reading for this assignment also please read the indtructions Bennett, W. J. (2002). The Broken Hearth. Random House Digital Inc..  Moreland, J. P., and William Lane Craig. Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview, InterVarsity Press, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,   Sire, J. W. (2020). The Universe Next Door. InterVarsity Press. … Read more

NUR 682 week4

 Submit a Problem-Focused SOAP note here for grading. You must use an actual patient from your clinical practicum. Review the rubric for more information on how your assignment will be graded. Be sure to use the SOAP note template for your program and view the rubric associated with your program for details on how your … Read more

7059 – Pitfalls Reflection

  Reflect: Which of these pitfalls or misconceptions about culturally responsive teaching have you seen in schools? How might the practices described in the readings and the podcast affect children? Many teachers committed to anti-oppressive teaching put systems in place to help them continue to learn and improve, like reading books about culturally responsive and … Read more

Discussion Post

  For Your Initial Post In your Subject Line, write a descriptive title that is appropriate and makes sense to you! In the Body of your post, address the following: Looking at the results on your Table 9.1 Assessment Beliefs and Practices…  Are there any statements where there was a significant difference between how you … Read more


  Be sure to include the following information  The setting of the assessment being covered (What kind of school, who is taking it?) The aspect of assessment the article is covering (is it the development of the assessment, the results, how students react to assessments, etc..) What the author(s) hypothesis was, or what they wanted … Read more