
  Please write in about 200 words in APA format with in-text citation for below questions.    1) Describe how web pages differ from apps and how apps differ from widgets. (50 words) 2) Describe some development best practices for designing solutions for the mobile cloud. (50 words)  3) Define business strategy. List five possible business strategies. … Read more


Subject: Operational Excellence Books:  Langer, A. M. (2017). Information Technology and organizational learning: Managing behavioral change in the Digital age. CRC Press.  This week select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence.  In this paper, perform the following activities: Name the organization and … Read more


 This week we turn our attention to annotations.  Annotation is a crucial component of good data visualization.  It can turn a boring graphic into an interesting and insightful way to convey information., please navigate to any site and find a graphic that could use some annotation work.  Add the graphic and the website it is … Read more

Unit 6 IT Consulting Part 1

  Purpose Over the years, the IT consulting industry has responded creatively to the changing needs of clients, leading to the growth of a thriving industry and, for the most part reactive to client demands. IT consulting firms have readily grown and shrunk in response to client demands. The fortunes of IT consulting firms, like … Read more

Incident Response Teams

  Incident Response Teams As you craft your initial post, you will be using information from your texts, along with conducting independent research with sources outside of the required texts. Start with the following questions:  Although our textbook did not go over incident response teams, please do some outside research into this and describe the … Read more

Security Operations Center

 Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetails Graduate-level student learning will involve more of a focus on “diving in deeper” to the content. Written and oral presentation on the field of study experience, in combination with independent research and course content, will be essential elements of your graduate studies.  To have an experience isn’t enough to establish learning – … Read more

Sniffing Tools & Techniques | Research Assignment

 Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetails Research. Analyze. Define Choose 5 sniffing tools and 3 sniffing techniques and provide detailed analysis about the differences between each. Research and Write: After choosing 5 sniffing tools and 3 sniffing techniques, provide a detailed analysis of their differences in a 3-5 page double spaced paper with citations. For each technique, describe … Read more

Sniffing Passwords Using Wireshark | Labs

  Virtual Labs: Sniffing Consider what you have learned so far about Sniffing as you review the objectives and scenario below.  Complete the lab that follows on EC-Council’s website using the link below. Objective Sniffing is performed to collect basic information from the target and its network. It helps to find vulnerabilities and select exploits … Read more

penetrating test

 Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable vulnerabilities. Pen tests can involve attempting to breach application systems, APIs, servers, inputs, and code injection attacks to reveal vulnerabilities. In a well-written, highly-detailed research paper, discuss the following: What is penetration testing Testing Stages Testing Methods Testing, web applications … Read more

The Impact of Social Media in Healthcare

research and investigate the areas of social media that might embrace and benefit from an analytic model combining acquired data and value-based analytics. You will then evaluate the resource addressing the following points: Five major stakeholder roles of social media—patients, physicians (and other outpatient care), hospitals, payers (employers, health plans), and health information technology (IT) … Read more