Community Policing
Does community policing offer an opportunity to improve policing services in the United States? Why or why not? Does it offer opportunities in the fight against terrorism? Why or why not?
Does community policing offer an opportunity to improve policing services in the United States? Why or why not? Does it offer opportunities in the fight against terrorism? Why or why not? Use the link to answer the questions Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System. Reflect on how this subject matter may relate to your life and the life of others as well as popular culture in general. 150 words
James applied for a management position in Ames Department Store. After completing the application and taking two interviews – James was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of his score – he did not get the job. Could James sue for discrimination? If yes, why, and … Read more
What is the role of criminal justice practitioners in the development and implementation of technology in the criminal justice system? Describe some of the controversial issues criminal justice policymakers face when considering an expansion in the use of DNA in criminal justice.
Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion watch The First Amendment (Links to an external site.) and the 002 History of US law and what is the law? (Links to an external site.) videos and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section. Respond to the following case scenario: Reverend … Read more
Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch The First Amendment (Links to an external site.) video and read the First Amendment (Links to an external site.) article, Free Speech and Democracy in the Video Age (Links to an external site.) article, and review all the one-page Supreme Court decisions listed in the Required Resources section. What … Read more
Select a topic for your paper and discuss why you are interested in writing a paper on this topic. Your brief assignment should be double-spaced/ 1 inch margins all around/ use 12 pt. font. Use library and internet research to help you decide on a research topic. Start collecting journal articles on your chosen topic
****ANSWER EACH POST 250 WORDS MIN EACH POST**** 1. DISCUSSION QUESTION- What are your views on the use of drones in our operations against terrorists? Provide the short and long term costs and benefits of using drones against al Qaida targets. 2. Discussion Questions: Beyond just its capability for mass means of communications and spreading fear, what are … Read more
The work you have completed in this module and the ones before it has shown you many examples of models and systems that can be explained in terms of positive and negative feedback. The discussion for this module asks you to reflect on these models and explain a system in terms of feedback. Provide … Read more
In thinking about our readings and videos this week, research and discuss with the class three negative consequences/stereotypes about the myth of the model minority. In addition, discuss at least two ways society can combat the myth of the model minority.