Race and Ethnicity 2.3

  Thinking about the Jim Crow system and the laws it entailed, in what ways does the U.S. demonstrate the “new” Jim Crow? Compare and contrast at least three Jim Crow-era laws to three current practices. Make sure to include in your discussion three negative consequences of Jim Crow laws.    **Note- all postings must … Read more

Race and Ethnicity 2.1

  Thinking about the authoritarian personality, are people from authoritarian families more or less likely to be prejudice? Why or why not? Research and discuss an authoritarian government administration (you can broaden your search globally). Make sure to include how authoritarianism impacts dominant-minority relations for racial and ethnic minorities. Please explain your answer in detail. … Read more

Prisoner Right 2.2

 Strip searches of prisoners are normal safety precaution undertaken in prisons. Consider and provide an example of a situation when you think a visitor should be strip searched and explain why. 

Prisoner Right 2.1

 What do you believe should be corporal punishment when it pertains to inmates? When should it be used? Do you think there are things that should not be done? Give examples and explain your position. 

DB #1

DUE: by 11am Wednesday 5-11-2022 NO LATE WORK! Thread What are the strengths and weaknesses of using quantitative methods in Criminal Justice? How can academicians use data analysis to inform public decisions and educate public leaders on the application of quantitative methods? DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You will post a thread presenting your scholarly response on the … Read more


Research is a craft and requires the ability to be creative and draw on technical skills to generate useful and scientifically credible knowledge. In detail, review the research process and all the components needed. See Cochran & Mears (2019) (See page 62)

ORG 5574 5.2

 The death penalty remains a controversial issue in American public policy. Many argue that it is a deterrent to criminal behavior; others suggest it is simply an “eye for an eye” in capital crimes. Still others say that it violates the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution against cruel and unusual punishment. Please discuss where you … Read more

Intelligent Led Policing

 Must be 250 words with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format.  The mission of policing was described by the author as covering 6 key areas: enforcing the law, apprehending offenders, preventing crime, predicting crime, preserving the peace, and providing services. With the advent of various forms of terrorism and transnational crime, the police … Read more

week2 mid week Juvenile Delinquency

Instructions Gang Violence Prevention You are commissioned to speak to your local community about gang violence prevention. The forum would also discuss the family’s role in preventing gang-related problems in children. Create an informational report for community distribution that includes answers to the following questions: Why do juveniles join gangs? What can parents do to … Read more