Develop a Port Improvement Plan (PIP) Presentation for a port of your choice. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your PIP should include background about the

Develop a Port Improvement Plan (PIP) Presentation for a port of your choice. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your PIP should include background about the port, its products and services, markets, and strategies (e.g., green port). Also describe its current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation … Read more

Using the topic of your choice please write a 2000 word APA formatted paper with 5-7 citations of evidence backing your paper. You need not get permission from me on the topic, as long as it is a rela

Using the topic of your choice please write a 2000 word APA formatted paper with 5-7 citations of evidence backing your paper. You need not get permission from me on the topic, as long as it is a related subject to Global Transportation and Logistics Management. The paper should have:Title pageTable of contentsAbstractLit reviewBodyReference page 

Last week we had a presentation in class and I have to do a reflection on it. I have all his background and the notes I took from it. I will attach everything you need. Please write the reflexion as i

Last week we had a presentation in class and I have to do a reflection on it. I have all his background and the notes I took from it. I will attach everything you need. Please write the reflexion as if I was the one speaking and how can I apply all his life experiences … Read more

DISCUSSION This is the most important discussion topic in the course, as it showcases the many hours of work you and your classmates have put in to understanding and implementing project management pr

DISCUSSION This is the most important discussion topic in the course, as it showcases the many hours of work you and your classmates have put in to understanding and implementing project management principles.The comprehensive final project brings in several perspectives, aspects, and viewpoints on the project management discipline. Post your critical path and projected end … Read more

Level 07. Organisation Behaviour. The Rules of the assignment. Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions.Tutor must answer all questions and do all requirementTutor must use Harvard style in referenc

Level 07. Organisation Behaviour. The Rules of the assignment. Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions.Tutor must answer all questions and do all requirementTutor must use Harvard style in references and citations .tutor must do all requirements.  The Rules of the assignments Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions Tutor must answer all questions and do all … Read more

Level 07. Strategic Development. The Rules of the assignment. Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions.Tutor must answer all questions and do all requirementTutor must use Harvard style in reference

Level 07. Strategic Development. The Rules of the assignment. Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions.Tutor must answer all questions and do all requirementTutor must use Harvard style in references and citations .tutor must do all requirements.  The Rules of the assignments Tutor MUST STICK TO GUID file instructions Tutor must answer all questions and do all … Read more

Note: The assignments in this course are a series of papers based on the same case, which is on XanEdu page under the Course Information module.  The assignments depend on one another. In this assignm

Note: The assignments in this course are a series of papers based on the same case, which is on XanEdu page under the Course Information module.  The assignments depend on one another. In this assignment, you will create a risk management plan. You have a budget of $100,000 and a timeline of six months for … Read more

Review the case study of the EF-5 tornado that struck Joplin, MO, and analyze the eight guiding principles on page 5 of the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) document prior to completing thi

Review the case study of the EF-5 tornado that struck Joplin, MO, and analyze the eight guiding principles on page 5 of the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) document prior to completing this discussion board.  In your opinion, of the eight (8) guiding principles of the NDRF, which two are the most important to successful … Read more

Unit IV Journal For the Unit IV Journal, will consider Unit I-IV, including the four functions of management (planning, leading, organizing, and control), and core managerial concepts we have covere

Unit IV Journal  For the Unit IV Journal, will consider Unit I-IV, including the four functions of management (planning, leading, organizing, and control), and core managerial concepts we have covered in each unit. The Task: State your selected management position and the name company name (GOOGLE) you chose in the Unit I Discussion Board. Your organization … Read more

Assignment-Logical Framework project plan Logical Framework project plan – Part two – Using the LogFrame template from Figure 5.4 in the Verzuh text, complete a Logical Framework project plan and de

Assignment-Logical Framework project plan  Logical Framework project plan – Part two – Using the  LogFrame template from Figure 5.4 in the Verzuh text, complete a Logical Framework project plan and develop a project charter for the mock project. It is important to use the Four-Column Logical Framework Template for the Assignment: The LogFrame’s first column … Read more