Overview:In this assignment, you will create a presentation using the presentation software of your choice (PowerPoint, Canva, etc.), to explain the relationship between risk and return. Please follow

Overview:In this assignment, you will create a presentation using the presentation software of your choice (PowerPoint, Canva, etc.), to explain the relationship between risk and return. Please follow the instructions listed below. *To view the grading rubric for this discussion, click the name of the discussion, then click “Grading Information”Instructions:Please review the Module 5 Learning Resources. … Read more

Overview:In this assignment you will complete a number of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) problems. You will complete your work using Excel then submit your Excel file. Instructions:Please review

Overview:In this assignment you will complete a number of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) problems. You will complete your work using Excel then submit your Excel file. Instructions:Please review the Module 5 Learning Resources before working on the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) problems. Complete the following: Open the attached Excel worksheet, Module 5 Assignment 2 – Capital Asset … Read more

Watch Classroom Video (these are assigned to My Math Lab) and can also be found in the Multimedia Library section of the program along with many other videos. Choose the following in My Lab: MUltimedi

Watch Classroom Video (these are assigned to My Math Lab) and can also be found in the Multimedia Library section of the program along with many other videos. Choose the following in My Lab: MUltimedia Library, Chapter 5, All sections, video and emanipulatives. You may also search the internet for manipulatives for teaching integers. This … Read more

MATH Linear Algebra ASSIGNMENTS Show All Your Work Show enough detail to demonstrate that you understand the concepts and logic required to solve each problem and are able to apply them correctly. I

MATH Linear Algebra ASSIGNMENTS Show All Your Work Show enough detail to demonstrate that you understand the concepts and logic required to solve each problem and are able to apply them correctly. If you make an error on a problem, the marker needs to be able to see enough of your work to determine where the … Read more

This week you will explore the wonderful world of descriptive statistics. You may not have noticed how often you are presented with statistics in a variety of contexts, with statements that start out

This week you will explore the wonderful world of descriptive statistics. You may not have noticed how often you are presented with statistics in a variety of contexts, with statements that start out like “Statistics show that…” Respond to the following question in a minimum of 175 words: Here are few examples of the kinds … Read more

Prepare a simple lesson plan on how to teach one of the sections (4.1, 4.2 or 4.3) on number theory to your class. Be sure to utilize any of the videos. Once you post your lesson plan. Review one o

Prepare a simple lesson plan on how to teach one of the sections (4.1, 4.2 or 4.3) on number theory to your class.  Be sure to utilize any of the videos.  Once you post your lesson plan.  Review one of your classmates and provide constructive criticism. Lesson Plan on Number Theory: Prime Numbers (4.1) Objective: … Read more

Overview:For this assignment, you will prepare a brief summary that provides an overview of your results from Module 2 Assignments 1 and 2. Please follow the instructions below to prepare your documen

Overview:For this assignment, you will prepare a brief summary that provides an overview of your results from Module 2 Assignments 1 and 2. Please follow the instructions below to prepare your document. You have the choice of writing a paper in .doc or .docx format, or creating a PowerPoint slide presentation in .ppt format. Be … Read more

Overview:In the discussion this week, you selected a publicly traded company to research. In this Financial Analysis assignment, you will obtain the company’s financial statements to develop a company

Overview:In the discussion this week, you selected a publicly traded company to research. In this Financial Analysis assignment, you will obtain the company’s financial statements to develop a company trend and common-size analysis as well as obtain the Statement of Cash Flows. Instructions:Using the company that you chose in this week’s Discussion, develop a company trend … Read more