
    IE332 Engineering Statistics II     NOTES Show your work, charts, tables and calculations. Using Excel and Minitab is essential (Copy & Paste the output). Failure to submit the solution by the due date means you will lose 2% from the total marks daily. Similar solutions for any two groups mean they are … Read more


Chapter 10 Data Mining Instructions: Please submit your work in one single Excel file with one tab/worksheet for each problem.   Cluster Analysis (25 points) Apply single linkage cluster analysis to Berkeley, Cal Tech, UCLA, and UNC in the Excel file Colleges and Universities Cluster Analysis Worksheet and draw a dendrogram illustrating the clustering process. … Read more


Project 1: Chapter 4 Draft 10 points and Final 20 points This project must be typed and you may work in groups for this project (a maximum of three people). Answer the questions with complete sentences and use all the appropriate terms given in the notes or in the book. Include any graphs and state … Read more


Answer this with proper references… For each data set, propose your idea of how best to represent the key information. To organize your data would you choose to use a frequency table, a cumulative frequency table, or a relative frequency table? Why? What type of graph would you use to display the organize data from … Read more


book : Business Statistics: Communicating with Numbers, 2nd Edition by Alison Kelly, Sanjiv Jaggia, ISBN-13: 9780078020551.   Homework 4 Q1. Business Statistics, Ch 7: Exercise 7.1 (pg236) Problem 3 Q2-5. Business Statistics, Ch 7: Exercise 7.2 (pg242) Problem 7, 11, 13, 15 Q6-10. Business Statistics, Ch 8: Exercise 8.1 (pg276) Problem 3, 4, 7, 9, … Read more


The body weight of a healthy 3-month-old colt should be about ???? = 64 kg. (a) If you want to set up a statistical test to challenge the claim that ???? = 64 kg, what would you use for the null hypothesis H0? (b) In Nevada, there are many herds of wild horses. Suppose you want … Read more


Chapter 10 Data Mining Instructions: Please submit your work in one single Excel file with one tab/worksheet for each problem.   Cluster Analysis (25 points) Apply single linkage cluster analysis to Berkeley, Cal Tech, UCLA, and UNC in the Excel file Colleges and Universities Cluster Analysis Worksheet and draw a dendrogram illustrating the clustering process. … Read more


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on your understanding of topics you have learned so far about the margin of error and the Confidence Interval and then explaining it to someone else. Discuss the following and give real life examples. Why do we have a Margin of Error in Statistics? If statistics are … Read more


Chapter 9 Forecasting Techniques Instructions: Please submit your work in one single Excel file with one tab/worksheet for each problem.   Forecasting Models for Stationary Time Series (40 points) The Excel file Closing Stock Prices provides data for four stocks and the Dow Jones Industrial Average over a one-month period. Develop a spreadsheet model for … Read more


Consider a 10 question multiple choice test. How many answer options  would you need on each item to ensure that the probability of a student  randomly guessing earning a passing mark is less than 1 percent? How  does the required number of answer options change if the total number of  items is reduced to 5? … Read more