
Respond to the following: On the basis of what you learned in the readings, define the terms “sample” and “population” and describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a sample compared to a population. Support your reasoning with examples. A researcher is studying the effects of caffeine on e x a m scores … Read more


Respond to the following: On the basis of what you learned in the readings, define the terms “sample” and “population” and describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a sample compared to a population. Support your reasoning with examples. A researcher is studying the effects of caffeine on e x a m scores … Read more


1.  Define the Null Hypothesis and give an example 2.  Define the Alternative Hypothesis and give an example. 3.  Explain what the following question means: “Does the evidence that we collected make our null hypothesis look ridiculous?” 4.  Explain what the following statement means: “Statistics is the science of changing your mind under uncertainty.”  Also, can statistics ever remove uncertainty?


Statistics Assignment   The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your skills in describing and analysing data using concepts and tools that we have developed in the course so far. Below are instructions on how to collect a specified set of data and what to do with it.  Your goal is to … Read more