
Crohn’s disease Do a continuation of this slide for nursing intervention, medication, clients education, and 1 NCLEX question pertaining to the disease with rationale(answer and explain)

physical Assessment

  You will perform a history of an abdominal problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform an assessment of the gastrointestinal system. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided. … Read more


ONE PARAGRAPH FOR EACH QUESTION WITH 2 SUPPORTING PEER REVIEWED REFERENCES! Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence- based peer reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking. Make sure to ANSWER EACH QUESTION ACCURATELY. (Please review attachments) Please do not plagiarize nor reword another persons assignment that has been previously … Read more


  Create 1 (one) Word Document or 1 (one) PDF file  Using literature that is 5 years old or newer explain the following concepts: Resting energy expenditure (REE) Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Nutrient density Nutrients Choose My Plate Program  Use APA formatting, no more than 2 pages of body work


  After studying the course materials located on Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following: Explain the difference between spontaneous and procured abortion. As well as their Ethical impact of each one. Why can the contraceptive pill, the IUD and the “morning after” pill also be considered abortifacients? Abortion methods, depending on … Read more

Psychopathology 9

  Neurodevelopmental disorders begin in the developmental period of childhood and may continue through adulthood. They may range from very specific to a general or global impairment, and often co-occur (APA, 2022). They include specific learning and language disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders, and intellectual disabilities. Neurocognitive disorders, on the other hand, … Read more

2 Part Power Point – 6 slides

create a two-part PowerPoint to discuss the following: Part one: Peplau was the first nursing theorist to identify the nurse–patient relationship as being central to all nursing care. Peplau valued knowledge, believing that the nurse must possess extensive knowledge about the potential problems that emerge during a nurse–patient interaction. Peplau’s theoretical work on the nurse–patient … Read more


Consider the health care informatics systems that you have used either as a student or as a practicing nurse and discuss the following: How easy is the system you currently use/have used in the past in terms of: ease to learn, daily use, avoidance of duplication, improvement of workflow, interface with other systems (ex- EKG … Read more


 Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation    Create a 10-15slide Powerpoint presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an inter-professional audience of leaders and stakeholders.