
Katherine Shepherd Posted Date May 18, 2022, 12:27 PM UnreadReplies to Jazmine Collins Most nurses would undoubtedly agree that speaking in front of an audience is a daunting prospect, however, public speaking is central to the dissemination of new knowledge (Sawatzky, 2011). This writer can identify a personal weakness when it comes to public speaking. … Read more


Manka Nguti Posted Date May 13, 2022, 9:22 PM Unread Understanding and interpreting clinical research is vital for implementing EBP. Nurses must understand and differentiate between clinical significance and statistical significance. For instance, a statistically significant result is the difference between the variables that were not caused by normal variation. Statistical significance is the parameter … Read more


Now you have identified how to use clinical significance to support positive outcomes for your project. What are ways that clinical significance can have a negative impact on your topic? If any. REPLY MS


Marie Blase Posted Date May 10, 2022, 4:01 AM UnreadReplies to Cilisha Mattison When performing research projects, it is important to have independent and dependent variables to determine what may influence the outcome of the research project. Independent variables are usually what will influence the dependent variables, and the dependent variable is what happens as … Read more


Melissa Sanchez Posted Date May 10, 2022, 9:09 AM UnreadReplies to Melissa Sanchez Independent variables are what researchers expect will influence dependent variables and dependent variables are what happens because of the independent variable (National Library of Medicine, n.d.). Essentially, independent, and dependent variables are like a cause and effect. The independent variables that need … Read more


Many new technologies are becoming available within nursing care, such as home dialysis equipment or new infusion pumps that change the nursing staff’s daily routines. In addition, all kinds of technologies that support distant care, such as telecare technology, have consequences for nursing practice. Another development is the introduction of electronic information systems such as … Read more


A growing number of new technologies are widely available with in nursing field that could improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and enhance working conditions. Analyzing the determination of potential users of technology is the first stage in the successful implementation of new technologies. Information technology plays a crucial role in the practice of evidence-based … Read more


DQ1 Yirlem        Traditional Chinese medicine has played an instrumental role in shaping the health care system. One of its underlying principles is the human body, which reacts to natural elements such as earth and water. The focus of traditional Chinese medicine is to balance the internal body organs and nature. Traditional Chinese medicine aims to … Read more


Number 1 post: NB   My concerns with ML’s current regimen are the use of controlled substances, for a prolonged period. These drugs are intended for short-term use because they can cause dependency (Visovsky, Zambroski, Hosler, 2019). Since this patient has been taking benzodiazepines (BZN) for what appears to be several years, she will need … Read more