Design Criteria Please complete the blank template on this page and submit your descriptions via Webcourses. The cells will expand to accommodate your responses. Your responses can be well organized using the bullets we have provided – descriptions must be detailed enough to be clear, but do not have to be in complete sentences. Use … Read more

DB 2 Music

  1. After listening to “Bess, You is My Woman Now” by George Gershwin, compare and contrast Gershwin’s treatment of black Americans with that of Stephen Foster and the minstrel shows. What do you personally think about these treatments? What role did racial tension play in the development of the music entertainment industry in the … Read more


ANSWER EACH BELOW THE QUESTION How many semesters until you graduate? (minimum 1 word) ANSWER ONE, IN FALL. While at UCF, list any RSOs and any positions held that you were involved in, any internships you completed, etc. (minimum 100 words) ANSWER: COLOMBIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION During the GEB courses, it was expected that students take … Read more