
The coldest city in the world is located in Russia.  Read the article, captions, and flip through the picture on the link below.  What is the name of the coldest city in the world?  Which sub-region according to the audio PowerPoint lecture of Russia is it located in?  What does this link tell you about … Read more


This benchmark assignment assesses the following competency: 4.2 – Analyze the human, economic, and environmental issues involved in emergency planning, response, and recovery. Emergency planning must take into account both short- and long-term recovery. This can pose a particular challenge since specific long-term needs can vary tremendously depending on the scope and nature of the … Read more

Team 4 Comp In Part

    Introduction Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that there are 37.3 million Americans aged 65 years or older, living with diabetes . Virginia is ranked 23rd in the country for diabetes cases, with 11.1% of the population diagnosed . Maryland is ranked 29th in the country for diabetes cases, with 10.3% … Read more

Written Selves

•Compare yourself in two different contexts it could be yourself as a student, within your family, employee, employer, friend, etc. •And even within those, you may feel like a different SELF in under the same label (i.e. while a student in one class I am this, while a student in another class I am this…same … Read more

Public Health

Homework Assignment #2 1) What are some of your own social determinants of health, and how have they affected your health? List four determinants and explain how each determinant has impacted your health. Be sure to use specific SOCIAL determinants, and not determinants. For information on the difference between the two, please refer to the … Read more


EDS 1021Week 2 Interactive ActivityEnergy Forms and Changes Objective Using a simulation, apply the scientific method to investigate how energy is transferred and changes from one form to another. Background Reading Before attempting the activity, read Chapters 3 and 4 of The Sciences. Completing the reading is important for you to be able to correctly apply the … Read more

Public Health-Outbreak

Frontline: Outbreak (50 pts) Watch the following video:  ( Answer the following questions: What is suspected to have started the outbreak? Be as specific as possible for full credit (5 pts) What two diseases was Ebola initially mistaken for? Why would this misclassification be a problem and exacerbate the public health issue? I am looking … Read more


Nike, General Motors, Ford, Microsoft, and Fender Music. Research its effects on local culture. Write a summary and analysis of 500-750 words and include the following: How does global stratification impact local culture? What are the positive and negative effects? How does global stratification impact the United States? What are the positive and negative effects? … Read more


Instructions Assignment # 2: Quantitative Analysis Target: ⦁ Analyze health care data using statistics to increase operational effectiveness and efficiency. For this assignment, students will be given data from quantitative analysis and will be asked to analyze it using Excel, RStuido (BONUS points) Data set: Minnesota Healthcare Database.xlsx Medicare National Data by County MN Hospital Report Data … Read more


Week 2, Exercise: Use the dataset from week1 exercise and then answer the following questions: Compare the following information between teaching and non-teaching hospitals. What are the main significant differences between teaching and non-teaching hospitals? (use t-test) Comparing hospital net-benefit, which hospital has better performance? To answer this question first compute the hospital net benefits … Read more