
Virtuous Person, Virtuous Citizen   Initial Post Instructions Each person owes a duty to himself or herself and to the world to study ethics and to engage in thoughtful debate about what is right, and what is wrong. It is this habit of thinking about and reflecting on ethics that will help you determine the … Read more

Social 101 Questions

5-7 sentences long for each question based on the scenario I sent in screenshot attached. How would you approach this issue using diverse and ethical perspectives? Use specific examples from the scenario and personal/professional life. Why is it important to consider diverse and ethical perspectives in this situation? I need sources sws style Remember, if … Read more


7 In 2–3 pages, address the following: Identify the social issue/problem that you are most passionate about or want to improve as a social worker. This can be the same one you used in the Week 1 Discussion 1 or a new one. However, your choice here should be the one you want to develop … Read more

Advocacy And Community Practice Proposal

1400 words The purpose of the assignment on advocacy, social action, community practice, and administrative practice is to create an innovative community-based initiative to address a social, economic, or environmental injustice. Social media tools are widely used to create instant communication and information sharing opportunities. Further, social media is used promote professional networking, personal connections, fundraising, … Read more

Phi Discussion M4

Once you choose which question you’d like to write about. You are discouraged from using additional sources. If you do choose to use an outside source, be sure to cite your source, just as you do when you use the course texts. If you use a quotation or an example from a website, cite the website’s URL and … Read more


Describe the historical context of the policy in 2–3 sentences. The goal is to concisely point to an important historical event for context rather than conduct a deeper historical analysis. Identify the population the policy serves. What programs fall under this policy? Explain how the policy aligns with or does not align with the social … Read more

Attachment Disorders

Imagine that you are working as an elementary school counselor and you observe some irregular behaviors from a kindergartener. What presenting concerns do you see that suggest a disorder of attachment? Discuss the developmental course and etiology in attachment disorders. 1-2 paragraphs.

Research Seminar

INSTRUCTIONS   Student Learning Outcome:Demonstrate an ability to participate in and contribute to the public policy process. Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of this SLO (Student Learning Outcomes) include: how public problems are defined, and the challenges involved in doing so to determine responsive and viable solutions. the steps in the public policy-making process … Read more


What was your experience of completing the implicit bias test? Which test did you choose, and why? What self-awareness themes have emerged so far in Week 1’s Discussion and this week’s activities? Identify a population that you are not comfortable with or would like to know more about; this could be a population represented by … Read more