Body Positioning and Room Design

  Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that accompanies speech. Common forms of body language are eye contact, posture, facial expression, and fine and gross movement. Social workers must understand how these seemingly simple, sometimes unconscious, body language responses may have a lasting effect by encouraging or discouraging a client. Body language with … Read more


Post your Agency Presentation to the Discussion thread following the guidelines below. i need a rough draft Describe the agency you visited. Include: Services offered Mission of the agency Clientele or population served Describe the social worker’s job activities and professional roles. Explain what brought the social worker to the field and their work history. … Read more

Cornell notes ch3 ch4

1. Write Cornell notes after reading materials, Cornell Notes are designed to engage critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis. Use uploaded ‘Cornell Notes Template.doc’ to write. Reading for Chapter 3: pg 130 to 143 Reading for Chapter 4: pg 145 to 162 2. No less than 350 words. 3. All WRITING, IDEAS, and INFORMATION used in … Read more

Civic Analytics and Urban Intelligence

A description of your target organization  An existing policy or program in that organization; Background about the current state of your policy/program; what are its accomplishments, challenges, where it fits within broader city operations and how favorably it is viewed by senior leadership; An overview of your proposed solution; A list of resources you have … Read more


 I need a rough draft What skills do you think are necessary for attaining cultural competence as a social worker working with that population? What is the difference between having knowledge about a cultural group and engaging with an individual from the stance of cultural humility? Then, search the Walden Library for additional information that … Read more


write response with your original ideas to each author These responses must reflect critical thinking. Using evidence to support your reasoning, provide commentary responding to peer insights. This may include agreeing, disagreeing, or adding additional insights or considerations. In either case, you should bring in reasoning or ideas not addressed by the author.  Each response … Read more

3 pages ethicity hispanic culture

  What is your ethnic background? Remember, ethnicity is not race. Rather, ethnicity refers to a category of people who share a common culture, ancestral, and/or national experience. Ethnicity is often reflected in language, religion, material culture (i.e., food, clothing, music, art, etc.). For more information and assistance identifying your ethnic background refer to this … Read more