USE this video to answer the questions

1. How do tattoos violate (or confirm) certain formal or informal norms? 2. What are some possible consequences for these transgressions? 3. How can concepts like cultural relativism and ethnocentrism be applied to certain styles of tattoos? 4. Do you think that tattoos are more subcultural or countercultural? 5. Have cultural views of tattooing changed … Read more


1. How do tattoos violate (or confirm) certain formal or informal norms? 2. What are some possible consequences for these transgressions?  3. How can concepts like cultural relativism and ethnocentrism be applied to certain styles of tattoos?  4. Do you think that tattoos are more subcultural or countercultural?  5. Have cultural views of tattooing changed … Read more

Vulnerable Populations

Read the following attached articles:  A Profile in Population Health Management: The Sandra Eskenazi Center for Brain Care Innovation: This Care Model Emphasizes Social, Behavioral, and Environmental Determinants of Health When Treating Dementia   Accounting for Accountable Care: Value-Based Population Health Management  How Executives’ Expectations and Experiences Shape Population Health Management Strategies  Watch the following video: … Read more

Assistance Needed (Quick Suspense)

For the third milestone of your final project, submit an overview of the communication tool and media campaign plan. Identify relevant audiences for your media campaign and how you plan to interact with them. Provide the critical information that you need to disseminate to the population at risk (primary audience). Identify other relevant audiences (secondary … Read more


  should be approximately 2-3 pages, double spaced  Gender Socialization This exercise will cover three components: Your early gender socialization Your experiences and attitudes about gender as an adult How the media reinforces gender stereotypes Answer each set of questions in a short paragraph.  For step 4, offer a short summary paragraph about how societal attitudes … Read more

6530 WK6

Assignment 2: Application: Process Recordings A process recording is a written tool field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty use to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are … Read more

6336 WK6 Assgn 2

Assignment: Treating Sexual Trauma Survivors: Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues Intimate trauma involves one person’s intentional violation of another’s body. The impact of intimate trauma on the survivor is distinct from that experienced by those involved in collective traumas. Issues of traumatic sexualization, identity confusion, safety, and powerlessness, among others, abound in intimate—or sexual—trauma survivors. … Read more

Application of Generalist Practice

  How do social workers apply a strengths-based and person-in-environment perspective to different populations and social problems? First, social workers assess the identified client and the client’s environment, recognizing that the interaction between person and environment may be creating or contributing to the problem. Depending on the assessment, the target for change may be the … Read more

Agenda Funnel

 explain how the 10 issues Jansson outlined are important when trying to activate change regarding health disparities. Provide 2–3 sentences for each of the 10 issues:     Timing   Coupling   Framing and finding a title   Negotiating and bargaining   Assembling early sponsors and supporters   Routing   Media coverage   Setting key endorsements   Coalition building   Building momentum 

6530 WK5

For this assignment, you are expected to meet with your Field Instructor, discuss the organization’s funding sources and later, research current state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding. By Day 7 Submit a 1-2 page in which you: Identify the agencies funding sources  Identify state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding. … Read more