Watch the video and answer: The theme for the week is sustainable agriculture so it might seem strange to watch a video about recycling for your board post. However, typical supermarkets in the USA are largely designed to have items with maximum shelf life. Those items also tend to be sold in packaging that persists … Read more


Each essay should be a minimum of 1500 words, and should fully address all aspects of the  indicated topic. At least three appropriately utilized and cited sources (APA style) should be used in   essay.  1.  Discuss the predictive, proactive, and reactive approaches to aviation safety management. Be sure  to clearly define what is meant by … Read more

learning activity part 1

You have been reading, watching, and talking a lot about teaching and learning. Now is your opportunity to apply some of what you have been doing in class by creating a learning experience for others! I can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙂  This assignment Instruction Plan Worksheet (IPW) for a specific … Read more

Basics of Dependency

  You have been asked by your agency to write a report on screening and treating potential clients for addictions. Research screening tools and therapeutic interventions that are relevant to clients with particular characteristics such as gender, age, disabilities, culture, and physical handicaps. Present a perspective of your choosing. Explain how you believe these types … Read more


Read my classmate post. Think and write your thoughts and feelings about his post. (1 page)                                                 Classmates Post  How can we teach in such a way that our students remember the things we teach them? I couldnt imagine teaching and not wanting to know the answer to this question. We all remember having a certain … Read more


Read my classmate post. Think and write your thoughts and feelings about his post. (1 page)                                                 Classmates Post  Deeper learning is more than just remembering, recall, and recitation of what we understand, though. It is learning that enables us to transfer knowledge to new contexts, apply concepts to novel situations, look at problems from varied … Read more

Human Resource paper 6

Prompt: The Lilly Ledbetter Act was the first law signed by President Obama after he became President. Research the law and discuss its history and what impact the law has on employees and employers currently and in the Requirements: 500 words minimum, APA Style

Education Essay

Assignment #2 – Education      Have you ever studied abroad? Conduct an internet search and identify another country, other than the United States and investigate the educational programs that are present. How does it compare to the educational system in the U.S? In what ways might the system be better or worse than that in America?Develop … Read more

Alternative Energy Sources

 The U.S. and other countries are taking steps to develop domestic renewable production to address the stresses put on the energy infrastructure. This week you will choose and discuss two alternative energy sources from the readings that will further reduce our dependence on traditional fossil fuels. Describe the energy sources and how they are being … Read more

Systems Theory in Psychology

  Provide an Assessment and Intervention plan for the following case scenario: John, a six-year old male, was referred to your office by his pediatrician.  His presenting problem is aggressive and demanding behavior at home and conflict at school with other students.  John arrives for the initial consultation with his mother – his father was unable to … Read more