Db3 claw

Could a state effectively enforce a law that banned all communication between minors and sex offenders through social media sites?  Why or why not?   Can a state, in the interest of energy conservation, ban all advertising by power utilities if conservation could be accomplished by less restrictive means? Why or why not? 2 references … Read more


Read the assigned Price & Nelson (Chapter 2) in the e-book text (ATTACHED) Write your reflections by selecting an idea from the reading, describing your thoughts and feelings about it. Along with a title page in APA format, write 2 pages of double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman text.                                                                                                              Reference:  Price, K. M., & Nelson, … Read more


Read the assigned Gallagher & Thordarson (Chapter 2) in the e-book text (ATTACHED) Write your reflections to the assignment by selecting an idea from the reading, describing your thoughts and feelings about it. Along with a title page in APA format, write 2 pages of double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman text.                                                              Reference: Gallagher, A., … Read more


Total Paper 6-7 pages Support your paper with a minimum of 3 references, beyond the textbooks, which may also be used as references. Part 1:   Compare and contrast 3 leadership theories. Describe which leadership theory best describes your CURRENT leadership style. Discuss how study of leadership theory might influence your FUTURE leadership style. Part 2: … Read more

Requesting writing help for a Writing class

   300 words with references to support your responses. References need to be cited using APA format. References must be from a nursing journal, less than 5 years old, and peer-reviewed. A citation for each response is a must. 1. Nurses incorporate questions about driving to identify the need for a more comprehensive assessment. What … Read more


   White Paper Instructions Students will create a formal document that explains an organizational response to a particular sport industry issue. More specifically, students will identify one area/level of sport participation that has been studied this term-youth sports/amateur sports in the community. Next, the student will select a governance issue or problem within the level … Read more

Interview strategy

Once you have a clear understanding of what your organization needs, it is time to consider the interview process. This assignment is a continuation of the acquiring, developing, and leveraging employee process you have already been working on during this course. The interview process is an important step in hiring the right person for your … Read more


Respond to he following : about 8 lines each wih references Response 1   Mental Health Crisis in America             How can one fight an enemy they cannot see? How can we measure an illness without a lab value or scan to look at? How does one prevent mental illness? Mental illness cannot be prevented. … Read more


Please respond to the following accordingly , about 8 lines each wiih atleast a refrence  Response 1 Knowledge they say is power, this has been my undying motivation to seek advancement in my career as well as overall life endeavor. Nursing has never been a profession I dreamt of venturing into when I was in the junior high school, my experience with the manner my … Read more


   The student will write a research-based paper that focuses on news stories related to governance and policy decisions made by sport organizations. Reading Summary 1 must be related to sport governance for material from Modules 1-3.  These summaries will be an extension of the information covered in the chapters of the text.  Student summaries … Read more