
Set up a complex still life ( See pic in following slide) Start Draw some thumbnails using your viewfinder: consider moving your point of view (Where you sit) Even as you just draw thumbnails, try drawing some construction lines first and then the contours of the objects. Take some time to ask yourself: What are … Read more

Rules of Design Assignment

After reading the 20 Rules for Good Design document, select three rules of design and find examples of strategic communication that illustrate them. Some examples may feature more than one rule, but you must showcase three unique examples for this assignment. These can be print examples like billboards and flyers or digital examples like web … Read more


 PROJECT 03 GREEN OFFICE BUSINESS PLAN  This task will require you to research what is a business plan and green sustainable practices you would like to incorporate for a design firm that is positioning itself as a green office.  SCENARIO: You wish to open a interior design firm as a new business venture. You will … Read more


Respond to the question “What is Art?” After reading Chapter 1 and looking at other sources for a definition of art, compile a list of different definitions of art to share with the class. Be sure to include citations for all your sources in APA or Chicago Manual of Style format. Then, in your own … Read more

art 2

Select a work of art from the website, or another reputable source to share with the class. Why do you consider this work art? Include the artists name, title of the piece, and cite the source of the image. Be sure to support your response with the criteria you use to determine if it is … Read more

Architecture Exercise

1)Choose an object. You should be able to look at this object from every side and it would be helpful if you can manipulate it with your own body. 2)Choose the tools and media. You can select any type of tools or media to represent the object: pencil and paper [drawings], camera [photography – digital … Read more


1) Education and Training: What do you need to know to do this job and how will you learn those things? What type of college degree should you get? What classes in High School might be good? 2) Key Skills and Abilities: What are the key skills and abilities required to do this job? Do … Read more


  1. Use the signup sheet in eLearning to connect with a group. Each group will have communication tools and a file exchange. You may choose instead to work with some other social media platform to collaborate. You will only be graded on the completed project. 2. Select 3-4 different locations (For example: Ancient Greece, … Read more

Web cam

 Hey! Do you like to admire beautiful women? Then I recommend going to and reading about how you can do this. There are special sites where you need to go through a simple registration and at any time of the day you can watch models, have virtual sex or just enjoy a video. 


  The purpose of this project is to highlight the work of a living, contemporary artist. Choose any living artist and write a 4-page report. The only restriction is that the artist must be alive and currently working as an artist. This is not a copy and paste assignment. You are expected to write all … Read more