The research paper is an opportunity for you to find a subject that interests you and that you are willing to research in detail.   TOPIC– Select one of the three: 1) a designed object/product  2) a designer 3) a design firm/collective –  from anytime in the 20th Century (1900 to 2000).  For ideas check the … Read more

Internship Paper 8 pages. Dont bid if you cant do it in 12 hrs

Students will complete an Internship Experience Paper . This paper will include theexperiences encountered during the students internship. Expectations for this paper areas follows:No less than 2500 wordsChicago Turabian format. 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, fullyfootnoted, cover page. Students are encouraged to reference the style guide:Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, … Read more

Prezi shared photo album

Add at least ten images to the shared album. Please follow the instructions posted on the Prezi document. You can focus on either a) folk art or vernacular design from that place, or b) any field within the design that took place during the 20th Century (architecture, product, interior, graphic, urban design, etc.) You can … Read more

Prezi shared photo album

Add at least ten images to the shared album. Please follow the instructions posted on the Prezi document. You can focus on either a) folk art or vernacular design from that place, or b) any field within the design that took place during the 20th Century (architecture, product, interior, graphic, urban design, etc.) You can … Read more

Chapter 25 discussion

  Maya Lins Vietnam Veterans Memorial has become a landmark site in the history of the United States, yet it has also been the cause of controversy. Discuss the controversies surrounding this memorial. 2. How has traditional architecture influenced modern architecture? Provide one picture of modern architecture and explain why do you like it? 3. … Read more

Art Appreciation

Painting are and Contrast Two Works of Art by Two Different Artists Word Count: A minimum of 750 words, not including images and citations What to do: Once your chosen images have been approved, you may begin writing your paper.  Research and Observation: Find 4 credible sources of information to research your objects. … Read more


  Persuasive Speech (Instructions) PERSUASIVE SPEECH – “THE PRODUCT SPEECH”You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria. real (something we can see and touch) legal be able to purchase online or in a local store current retail price- $1 to $500 US not anything … Read more

Chapter 9 Journal

  This journal is a little different. We have now studied several different artistic media, so we’ll combine it all together. What I’d like each of you to do is look through ECU’s “Love” show – up online at this link: Then we will do some curatorial work – meaning, evaluating the show and an … Read more

Journal Chapter 21,22

1.Trying an art process Use only red, yellow and blue mark making tools. (Can be crayon, marker, highlighter, colored pencil, paint, whatever you have on hand). Choose an object around the house which includes green, orange, and/or purple. Using pointillism (aka only dots), try your best to “mix” colors by interspersing different colors and proportions … Read more

art paper

    Writing REQUIREMENTS: Answer the following prompts: 1.What are the typical elements of a Gothic church? 2. How did architecture change from the Romanesque to Gothic period? 3. Why is the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Notre-Dame de Reims, France) an example of a great Gothic cathedral? 4. Why do you think the public was … Read more