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Gin Rummy Game

Gin Rummy is a new fresh participant regarding usually the Rummy loved versions relating to games. Considering of which combined with several video games, right now there are actually several versions on the market there these days there, besides thus the gameplay may possibly not accurately finding yourself being especially just like you enjoy it … Read more

short essay

  Is the theatre relevant to you today? Does the art form speak to you? Does it speak for you?   Now that you’ve taken this course, what are some changes that you would like to see occur in the theatre? Please give your answers some thought and remember, you don’t have to like the theatre more … Read more

short essay

  light and sound can be used to establish a scene’s mood.  What LIGHTING and SOUND would you use to design the following scenes for a PLAY on a stage for: 1)  A romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day at a fancy restaurant where a couple gets engaged.  2)  A robbery in an urban alley at … Read more

IT474: Web Design and Development

 Chapter 1 Discussion:  Research Question: How did the W3C get started? Who can join the W3C and what is the cost?   Not more than 350 words total. Respond to at least two other students (150 words each peer)!! 2. Two (2) paragraphs (350 Words total) discussion response to main DQ questions. In addition, respond … Read more

Art and Mental Illness

 For this assignment you will research the mental health of either Frida Kahlo or Vincent Van Gogh.   Both of these artists created many self-portraits. Your job is to determine whether we can see signs of mental illness within her or his self-portrait.  You must then select two articles to analyze their work: One of these … Read more

Art Project

  Project 4: Contemporary Artist (100 points) The purpose of this project is to highlight the work of a living, contemporary artist. Choose any living artist and write a 4-page report. The only restriction is that the artist must be alive and currently working as an artist. This is not a copy and paste assignment. … Read more


 1-Managing Interpersonal Relationships Discussion Managing interpersonal relationships: What are the Layers of Self Disclosure? Which layers do you think are appropriate to discuss on your first date? 2- Group Leadership Discussion Think about the last time you needed to work in a small group. What was it you were supposed to do, a project, an … Read more


   The world has been turned upside down, economically and emotionally, with the Covid-19 pandemic. Please answer the following two (2) questions marked 1 and 2 in a total of approximately 150 words per each of the two (2) questions. That means you should have a minimum of two (2) paragraphs per question, totaling approximately … Read more

ENC ec

 Attend a Arts and Letters event and wrtite a 1 page description and you will earn some extra credit. Name of presenter/s Title of presentation Purpose of the presentation What did you learn How can you use this infofrmation in your personal life/career.