Product design and Journalism

If you been have been referred on this element then you must produce 1,000 word case study looking at an element of the design or production process for magazines, newspapers, digital or mobile. A typical case study would be a comparison of design choices made from before/after a redesign of a magazine. Or you might … Read more

Art Appreciation

   Each question 200 words each 1. Please reflect on a time in your life that visual art, not music or theater, made an impact on you. It could be making art if you have had that experience. Did you see a monument that moved you? Did you go to a museum and had a … Read more

Introduction to Western Architecture

For this paper you need to consider two buildings featured in the textbook that you feel are completely different in terms of their design. First choose a building that you would like to learn more about. Then choose a second building that was designed to serve a similar purpose (e.g. residential house, commercial building, theatre, … Read more

week 12 discussion

Week 12 Discussion We learn this week that sustainability in the context of labor practices means consideration for the health and ethical well being of workers in all stages of garment production- from the harvesting of raw material to the preparation and manufacture of a finished garment. There is, unfortunately, a continued presence of sweatshops, … Read more

week 12 discussion

this week we are covering Lifestyle designers: Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan and Michael Kors. Choose two of these designers and explain their brands success outside the comfort of fashion apparel.  Why do you believe their work is inspiring designers today to follow in their direction? Please include examples. You may add links to … Read more

week 12 discussion

One of the topics we covered this week was about business entities in the Fashion Industry. For our discussion, we will focus on fashion business entrepreneurs: Describe the characteristics of successful fashion business entrepreneurs. Do you think a successful fashion entrepreneur needs to be a designer?  What other types of fashion entrepreneurs are there that … Read more

ARTS/100_Week 1

  Choose one of the options listed below to discuss your experience of the arts. Option A: Thinking about the Arts How have you interacted with the arts in your life? Were you a participant, or were you a part of the audience? Describe how you have participated in the arts in a 525- to 700-word … Read more

Photo Assignment – Architecture

5 PART ASSIGNMENT 1. Creative picture that creates a false visual 2. 1 Page explanation 3. 1 Page explanation of bracketed vision (see attached document)  *All written work should be 12 pt font, double spaced* 4. Basic diagram 5. Short Responses (2 paragraphs for each of the 3 student examples)

Design product and journalism

Portfolio of Design Work You must submit one 11-page magazine concept designed on InDesign, which will include:-A cover, a contents page, at least one double page spread, a reviews page, and six other content pages-You have to write all headlines, standfirst, captions, etc, and source all the images, but you do NOT have to write … Read more