Security Architecture & Design

Question 1: Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. In todays fast-paced, often agile software development, how can the secure design be implemented? Length: Minimum of 600 words Note: 1) Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This … Read more

Visual merchandising

Propose a new client’s experience for the new pop-up store in Brooklyn. You can choose one of this 5 brands:  LOEWE / DRIES VAN NOTEN / BYREDO / KHRISJOY / SAINT-LAURENT    Implant the new collection, manage this space, explain your visual merchandising strategy, choose the best display. Create a window and a focal point … Read more

6 pages due by 24 hour

 Editing is accomplished using MS Word Track Changes.Helpful feedback and extensive comments are provided.A clean copy, without markup or comments, is included. Results and grades have been excellent.Service is thorough, prompt, professional, and reliable. I look forward to working with you! Liscensed & Bonded, Insured. ( About Star Light Painting)Exterior, Interior painting.Residential, Commercial.P.Washing.Summary.pdfDeck Staining.Cabinet Refinish.Pop … Read more


  Project 3: Ritual and Ceremonial Objects (100pts) For this assignment we will take some time to explore cultures through their use of relics. 1. Please take some time to research ritual and ceremonial objects, such as masks, headdresses, kachinas, and kero cups (or other similar vessels) from Chapter 20: Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Select … Read more

Paper with multiple options

  PART 1:WRITE Pick one of the following topics: Buddhist art and architecture before 1200 Japanese Art before 1392 Art of the Americas before 1300 Chinese art before 1300 Hindu art before 1300 Provide an overview of the art made by that culture and during the specified time period.  Answer the following questions about the … Read more

Active Learning 4.2

 Active Learning Assignment 4.2 Writing Tips Choose one of the following options and complete the assignment. Label your assignment option number in your submission. Be sure to use complete sentences and standard English spelling and grammar in your submissions. Be sure to refer to required readings and/or supplementary material in your submission and include citations when appropriate. Type your response directly … Read more


  Watch the following TEDTalk video:   and . Complete a 250  written word summary  How important is Frances talk in relation to leadership? How about Sinek and leadership ideas?

Homework 4 Construction Management

For this homework assignment, you need to read the paper entitled by Emeritus A.W. Hendry and write a summary of the paper in Minimum of 750 words. You need to TYPE your essay in MS Word . Please note that you need to write the summary in your own language and direct copy from the … Read more

art history

Thispaperisachanceforyoutoexploreanareaofinterestingreaterdetail.Iamlookingfor strongcriticalthinkingskillsdemonstratedthroughthesynthesisofcontentanchoredinthebasic factsandissuesofyourtopicandawillingnesstoapplyoriginalthoughbasedonyour observationsandresearch. Youarewelcometochoseanothertopic,butpleasediscussyourideaswithmefirstforapproval. Ifyouchooseanalternativetopicpleasemakesureitfallswithinthechronologicalscopeofthis course. Allessaysaretobe7-8pagesinlength(doublespaced,12pointfont,&1inchmargins) Pleaseincludeaminimumof5bibliographicalreferences(includinginternetsources) Pleaseuseprimaryandsecondarysourcesexclusively NOWikiorEncartaorArtStoryreferencesplease Allquotesmustbefootnotedintheappropriatemanner PleaseuseMLAformatforthesisanddissertations Standardproceduresregardingplagiarismapply Foryourresearchessaytopic,pleaseanswerone of thefollowingquestions: 1.WhatdoGalileo,Magellan,andNewtonhavetodowithBaroquearchitecture? 2.Neo-ClassicismintheAgeofRevolution 3.WhatistheartisticresponsetotheIndustrialRevolution? 4.WhatisthearchitecturalresponsetotheIndustrialRevolution? 5.Impressionism;amiddleclassart? 6.Romanticismandthesubconscious 7.Romanticismandthecolonialother 8.BertheMorisotandMaryCassatt;cagedrevolutionaries?

2 Weekly Readings + Notes

I’ve attached 2 separate readings: Take notes of both readings, summarizing the main points, and cite at least 5 architectural innovations from the text. Underling the innovations in your notes. Please separate your response. 600 Words for each reading. [1200 total]