music and politics

  How does the Obama campaigns use of music support the assertion that he is the first U.S. president who is also a superbrand? (115) What are some of Obamas criticisms of hip-hop culture? What elements of hip-hop culture does Obama praise? What are some elements of hip-hop culture that Obama incorporated into his 2008 … Read more

Week 11 Assignment-Greenpeace International

Greenpeace International is an important friend to the sustainable community worldwide. Review the website  (clicking on the various links ) and write a minimum one full page report discussing who they are, what they do, their reason for being, and the 3 most interesting and worthwhile things they have done (in your opinion). Please be … Read more

product development discussion board week11

This week we covered the topic of Fashion Retailing & Distribution.   Now it’s time to select review two of your favorite fashion retailers and their strategies. Please name the two retailers you are selected and discuss the following items:   What category does each fit into?  What are the characteristics of the category of retailers that … Read more

HW Assignment 4

you are to complete the next few elements of the written Project: 8.  Quality Control: Describe the quality control practices you will implement to guarantee delivery of a quality product from your contractor. 10.  Merchandising: Explain the methods you will use to notify your target customer of your new line and discuss how you plan … Read more

week 11 great designers in fashion discussion

Please share with the class which designers you chose for your term project and what current designers you feel are inspired by your chosen designers.  Why did you choose these designers?  When using images, please reduce their size to small so they do not overpower the written content. Please cite sources and remember to activate … Read more

week 11 suststainability in fashion discussion

In our module this week, we reviewed the Greenpeace International’s Toxic threads: The Big Fashion Stitch-up. 20 global fashion brands were investigated and “the toxic trail of clothes” was discussed. “This study has demonstrated the presence of a number of different hazardous chemicals within a broad range of textile products, either incorporated deliberately within the … Read more

bme 210 discussion 7

 Reflect on the Case Study (page 245) Please use the below numbering in your post.  What perceptions of Latrell do you think most teachers would have? (3 points) What information would you share with those teachers to advocate for Latrells participation in rigorous academics, arts, and athletics? (3 points) What support structures would you build … Read more

Security Architecture & Design

Question 1: Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. As you consider the reputation service and the needs of customers or individual consumers, as well as, perhaps, large organizations that are security conscious like our fictitious enterprise, Digital Diskus, what will be the … Read more


Watch the . + As you go along, respond in writing to the following prompts. Compile your answers in a word document.  1. What color temperature is the light that you are sitting in as you watch this presentation? (Slide 5: Color temperature diagram) 2. Find an image in your LrCatralog from your Project … Read more


   Create and Curate Your Own Art Museum This assignment is an alternative option for visiting a museum or art gallery. For this paper, you will select and curate a minimum of 510 works of art by 510 different artists to include in your own art museum. Use your textbook and online sources to help … Read more