
  Goal: To learn about one primate species, and improve scientific communication by teaching the class about that species in an engaging and helpful way. Format: Wiki page about your species, with information in required categories. Task: Write an informative description of that species (500-700 words, not counting Works Cited). Your entry must be in … Read more

Security Architecture & Design

Question 1: Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds while the reputation of potential URLs is checked. Most of us have come … Read more

Please read question

1. What is the Constantinople city? Please provide a historical information, architectural & planning explanation about the city?  2. Mention the famous building utilized or used the Byzantine architectural style as the main design? Then choose one of them and provide architectural drawings about the building. Please make sure to use a powerpoint format. Follow … Read more


  You will expand the outline you wrote in Module 3 into a complete paper. Papers must be typed in 12-point type and be double-spaced. There is no set length for the paper, though the average length is four or five pages. Citations are not necessary. Other important aspects are thoroughness, clarity, and a demonstrated … Read more


  YOU AS THE DIRECTOR. If you were to put a 10 minute scene from your life on stage, how would you do it? (The challenge of this essay is to describe how you would make a play. Not how you would make a film or a TV show. For example, if you talk about … Read more

short essay

  For this essay, choose a professional actor who has impacted you (from theatre or film/TV) and describe their work and impact on you. Include the following: 1) Name of actor 2) Where you first saw their work, and what impact their work had on you 3) What is special FOR YOU about their performance(s)? … Read more

Art work written assignment

 This written assignment will ask you to explore narrative art in preparation for the personal project that will be completed in the last few weeks of the term. Visit the Lucas Museum website at and read about narrative art through the ages.    Thereafter, browse the following featured categories:   History of Narrative Art … Read more

BIM software referring to BS EN ISO 19650

 The publication of the BS EN ISO 19650 series has introduced a collaborative framework for managing information through BIM throughout the whole life cycle of a built asset. With reference to BS ISO 19650 standards, discuss how BIM can be used to support the sharing and integration of information and collaboration during the project life … Read more

Discussion Board

  First, read (PDF, 10.8 MB). Next, watch UNESCO/NKHs video on . After reviewing this material, explain the significance of stone for the Incan people, and discuss how stone and stoneworking, which characterize Incan architecture, are integrated into architectural design.

Critical Analysis Paper

Describe an image and its purpose using different elements of art. Use clear descriptions so that the imagery of the image is clear to someone that has no idea what the picture is. State the purpose or what the message of the image is, in the thesis statement. The essay will have 2 parts. Part … Read more