Risk Management Stages

Describe your project to the class.  In your response to your peers, address the following: What is likely to happen in terms of probability and impact? What can be done to minimize the probability or impact of these events? What cues will signal the need for such action (i.e.) what clues should I actively look for?  What are the … Read more

2 pages

  Based on this weeks reading, write 200 – 300 words using your own words and discuss the following: What is information security? What is the primary goal of information security? Describe some of the common information security concerns.


Create a discussion thread (with your name) and answer the following question(s):Discussion 1 (Chapter 3):  Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 3.22 for part of a BANK database (also below for reference). Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans.(a) List the strong (nonweak) entity types in the … Read more

blog post headline… need in 10-12 hours

350-450 words on a topic- instructions on ppt and sample attached Include images and hyperlinks Inform the reader Make post worthy of sharing Support with facts: surveys, research, data, quotes, etc .Write with style, but not irreverence SEO-friendly headline of 70 characters or less (including spaces) After the article, write:1)Search-engine headline of no more than … Read more

Art discussions

As youve read, the poem of Inanna and Dimuzi includes agricultural metaphors that are a bit more explicit than your typical Old Farmers Almanac entry.  Discuss the underlying meaning of this poem and how it relates to the Warka Vase, Warka Mask, and White Temple and Ziggurat from Uruk.  How is the imagery on the … Read more

Paper: Classical Architecture in Contemporary Los Angeles

This paper assignment asks you to write a comparison between an Ancient Greek/Roman building and a building in Los Angeles that has been inspired by the Ancient Greek/Roman architectural tradition. Write a 2-3 page paper, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman font. You do not need to do outside research. Links with information are … Read more

one page

  You can get a basic understanding if individuals are being held accountable for adherence to security policies by examining policy violations, incidents, and security awareness. These basic measurements are as follows: Number of security violations by employees reported Number of incidents that could have been avoided Completion and competency rate for security awareness Answer … Read more

Research Art Paper Assignment

This is an in-depth analysis of one artwork. The work must fall within the time frame of Western art encompassed by the course (14th Century to early 20th Century), and it should reflect aspects of an artistic trend discussed in class. Choose something that grabs you. In the past, Ive required students to visit a … Read more

research paper

The purpose of this project is to compare and contrast a significant work of historical architecture (before 1500 CE) and a significant modern or contemporary work of architecture in Los Angeles. The research paper will be 2000 words in length, plus diagrams, images and a list of works cited. The Colosseum, Rome and the SoFi … Read more

art paper

Art paper will consist of a one 1-2 (500 words) page written description and formal analysis of a work of art using terminology from Chapters 2-5. This is an exercise in recognizing visual elements and principles of design in works of art and demonstrating an understanding of how they relate to each other to create … Read more