Impressionism, Arts

I am attaching a pdf that should be used as the source for this assignment. I’ll be needing a one-paragraph summary. Please note that you will only be reading pages 20-26 for this summary Kirk Varnedoe and Peter Galassi, Caillebottes Space, in Gustave Caillebotte (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987), pp. 20-26

Task Sheet for Exercise #3 – Visual Methods

Task was to using video, explore how the pandemic has altered one aspect of your subject’s life. Writer’s task: Assume that I did the video and we have to write about our process. Take one quote from the readings I have uploaded and use it as a prompt to write one page about the video … Read more

Write a paper on the history of a specific genre.

A. This report should be on the history of a specific genre of musicB. There is no formal writing format, however the paper must be well organized withgood paragraphs and proper grammar, spelling and punctuationC. Format: 1. Papers are to be typed in 12 point font using Times Roman with a one-inchmargin on both sides … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Description: The goal of this assignment is to get students to engage with local NYC museums and/or one of their online exhibitions. The paper also provides an opportunity to learn about an artist/culture/artwork who we otherwise do not study in this course. Students will use their skills of visual analysis to formally analyze ONE art … Read more

North by Northwest (1959)

1. Watch North by Northwest (1959) directed by Alfred Hitchcock with music by Bernard Herrmann. 2. Listen to the entire soundtrack for the film – available on YouTube, Spotify etc. 3. Read Peter Larsen’s Other Ways:North by Northwest, 1959. (attached pdf) Bernard Herrmann’s music for Alfred Hitchcock’s films managed to establish dark, suspenseful moods by … Read more

Final Essay

Please choose two movie in (one in Question A) Shutter Island , OR This Is A Robbery (one in question B) The Irishman , OR Training Day whatever you like and answer those questions in below: A) 50%= Editing: choose one movie between Shutter Island , OR This Is A RobberyAnswer ONE of the following … Read more

Watch the first half of the movie “Is the man who is tall happy?”, by Michel Gondry (2013), and answer the provided questionnaire.

Please answer the following questions, and upload your answers as a single document. 1. What is the relationship between language and memory? What evidence does Chomsky give for the hypothesis that children know a lot about language even before exposed to any linguistic input? 2. Why does the belief in reincarnation have anything to do … Read more

Week3 Discussion Board

In Stinging Like Tabasco, Imani Perry lays out eight features of signification taken from Geneva Smitherman (via Henry Louis Gates): 1. Indirection, circumlocution2. Metaphorical-imagistic3. Humorous, ironic4. Rhythmic fluence and sound5. Teachy but not preachy6. Directed at person or persons usually present in the situational context7. Punning, play on words8. Introduction of the semantically or logically … Read more

Comparison Analysis

responding to the two texts (Funnyhouse of a Negro / Mother Courage and her Children ). What do you notice in terms of narrative, structure, themes, and relevancy today? What connections can you draw between the plays and concepts? What questions come up for you as you read?

Andy Warhol

Approach this topic as an exploration of what Andy Warhol appropriation and transformation of these images means. IntroductionThis research paper is an analysis the artwork by Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, 1967 (3.18) Screen Print. 91 cm x 91 cm (36 in x 36 in).  that is an example of appropriation, and guided by an argument. … Read more