Song Analysis of Bob Seger’s song ‘Shake Down’

Access the website This Day in Music ( and determine what song was number one the day you were born or on a significant day in your life. ****My birth date is Jul7 29, 1987 and I chose the US top hit Bob Seger’s Shake Down**** Do a song analysis (including information about the song) … Read more

Live Performance Project

Your paper must include the following components in paragraph form: 1) Statement as to why you chose the concert; 2) Description of the performance venue; 3) A photo of yourself holding the program in the venue; (or a photo of yourself viewing the online concert) 4) Description of the size and age of the audience; … Read more

Latino, Spanish music

Please do not write about BOMBA MUSIC that was the topic of the first paper submitted.Below are instructions from the professor, I attached few videos that he posted so you can choose a few/all or find something extra related to the topic. You can write about one or several of those videos, videos from our … Read more

chinese film

watch this film then read the attached paper analyze the film throughly  both aesthetically and its culturally importance and use the reading to support it, but focus on the film. (maybe do some research on the cultural revolution in china)

Analysis of Appropriation (Select One Art From the List)

Choose one of the artists and write an analysis on the ways in which their works critique or address the notion of appropriation. 1) Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907 2) Paul Gauguin, Deux Tahitiennes, 1899, oil on canvas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 3) Andy Warhol, Thirty Are Better Than One, 1963, … Read more

Art and Music

Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to explore both the conscious and unconscious ways that works of art connect to and affect our everyday perspectives on the world around us and how the world around us affects our perspective on artworks. Assignment:  You will select one artwork from the Art 21 website: (Links … Read more

Art and Music

Submit a brief response to the reading and narrated PPT from this week, Art and the Environment that responds to the following:     Identify one artist and one artwork by this artist from this weeks material on art and the environment and explain what Big Idea and theme might be associated with this artist’s … Read more

Art History Response Paper

Each week you will submit via Canvas a written response papers to the weeks readings. The length of these will vary depending upon the number and nature of that weeks readings. These response papers should include, for each assigned reading: a) a summary of the authors argument; b) what you learned from the readings; c) … Read more

Early Renaissance Italian Art: Master of the Osservanza

Analyze the devotional triptych by the Master of the Osservanza, Adoration of the Shepherds with Saints John the Baptist and Bartholomew, executed in circa 1440. The so-called Master of the Osservanza was one of the most talented Sienese artists of the second quarter of the Quattrocento. In the twentieth century he was identified as the … Read more