help Kin303

  This weeks journal article review is designed to help you become familiar with reviewing and interpreting academic literature. For most, verbiage in scientific journals can read like a foreign language. However, as Kinesiologists, it is critical to be comfortable with this style of writing to ensure you are staying up to date with current … Read more

Anatomy Challenge – The Gymnosperm Scavenger Hunt

Anatomy Challenge – The Gymnosperm Scavenger Hunt This week’s challenge is a little different!  Instead of using clay, you will embark on a scavenger hunt and submit the following: 1. a picture of a gymnosperm from your yard, the neighborhood, park, or campus 2. a picture of an ovulate cone 3. a picture of one … Read more

biology anatomy

   Choose a disease or condition which affects one of the systems we are covering      this semester. It can be viral,   bacterial, fungal, protozoan, congenital/genetic, biochemical , drug induced,      or the result of trauma, overuse, etc. Investigate the history of the problem, the Disease process and treatments. The report for this paper should follow the … Read more

module 5

Mr. Gray, a 65-year-old man, was in an automobile accident in which he suffered a concussion. Soon after he was released, he noticed what he described as a gray spot in his field of vision. At first he ignored it, thinking it would go away, but the spot seemed to darken and spread over his … Read more


 Writing Assignment. Before beginning your paper  of COVID-19, please read this carefully. Using the skills, tools, concepts, and vocabulary you have gained from our class, write a paper on  Immune Response after Covid 19 Vaccines. (Pfizer and Moderna).You may focus on any aspect that feels meaningful and interesting to you. topic:  Immune Response after Covid 19 … Read more

dota 2 betting odds

  Esports industry has grown dramatically over the past years. The  <!–td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}–>  more this market develops, the more opportunities are introduced to the gaming community. Esports games receive a great number of active users while online cybersport championships gather millions of viewers. Famous world championships like Electronic Sports League that … Read more


For this assignment, you will continue to study conscious leadership and look at a leadership example from contemporary media and evaluate how well the particular leader exemplifies the qualities of effective and ethical conscious leadership.  Select a relevant and topical leadership issue from current news media that revolves around ethics and ethical decision-making. Research the … Read more

discussion week 4 #370

  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   How does organizational culture impact organizational structure in health care? Provide an example.  What would an ideal organizational culture look like for a health care organization?


  Chapter 15 Axial muscles Compose 400 words or more discussion to respond the following: List from superficial to deep all the fibrous structures coverings of muscle organs.  Name three types of fiber arrangements seen in skeletal muscles.  What name is used to describe the muscle that directly performs a specific movement?  Name the type … Read more

Applying the 5 I’s of Microbiology

Step 1: Read about the Five I’s in Microbiology. (Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection and Identification)Building on the concept of the 5 I’s, search for a current or past infectious disease in the news. In a one to two page paper:  Examine how the Five Is of Microbiology are being applied to your infectious disease.  Research which of the Five Is may … Read more