Week 2 Group Project HSC4010 Epidemiology and Disease Control

  Discussion Topic Use this area to conduct your group discussions for the weekly Group Project. This area is only visible to your group and your instructor. Students in other groups cannot access this area. Assignment Due April 5 at 11:59 PMGroup Project AssignmentUsing your specific Group Project Discussion thread, this week you will contact … Read more


 Hi dear,  Would you help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?  PBS Frontline Streaming Documentary  Supplements and Safety   To successfully complete this assignment, a student must watch the video linked here https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/supplements-and-safety/ , PBS Frontline: Supplements and Safety.  https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/supplements-and-safety/ The student must then answer each of the DISCUSSION … Read more

Select One Type Cancer and prepare PPT

  Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. You have been invited by your local community health department to give a PowerPoint presentation on cancers. Your goal is to educate your audience about the definition of cancer, the causes, means for early detection and preventative measures. The meeting will … Read more

Read & Help correct mistakes

 Comments: Excellent paper. Its obvious that you put quite a bit of work into this. Unfortunately, your paper needs adequate citations in the body of the text to meet our standards on plagiarism. You need to cite each textbook from your bibliography whenever you quote or use some information from the textbook or other resource. … Read more

A&P Discussion

After exploring the content for this module, you should be ready to discuss the topics at a deeper level with your classmates. The respiratory and digestive systems are two organ systems that have parallel functions. Both systems bring in materials from the outside world that are utilized as they pass through each respective system. Materials … Read more


  Week 1 Group Project Discussion Group/section restrictions.Subscribe Group Project Assignment and Group Project Discussion Thread Project Overview The group project will span all five weeks of the course. Weekly group assignments will culminate with the submission of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of 15 to 20 slides (excluding title, abstract, and reference slides) on the … Read more

Gastroesopagel reflux disease

Topic – Gastroesopagel relex disease. Instruction.must include (1) pathophysiology of the disease( disease manifestation like genetic, what happen in the disease)  2)  epidemiology of the disease ( how many individual are affected in the population at a given period). 3) patient presentation( sign and symptons)  of the diseaae 5) treatment   of the disease    Must … Read more

discussion post

It is imperative for everyone to the guidelines for laboratory safety.  For this week’s discussion A student conducted a lab experiment that required the use of detailed instructions with the lights off.   Please discuss the safety guidelines that are not being followed and why?  What should the student do instead in order to adhere to the safety guidelines.  Please post feedback … Read more


  Lab Activity:  Psychometric measurement for Older Adults.  Using the  supplied instruments, collect data on a person older than 60.   Afterwards score the instruments according to the directions (basically  sum each subsection – detailed directions below) and upload a 2 page  reflection paper (DO NOT INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE PERSON YOU MEASURED!)  on the … Read more

Project Case Studies A&P I

Case Study IV -Endocrine System!Diabetes: Mr.Clarks is a 52-year-oldAfrican American male, presenting to his primary care physician with complains of frequent urination, excessive thirst, particularly in the late afternoon and early evening. He is a truck driver that works 12 hours each day. The patient confirms a family history of diabetes from both parents. He … Read more