Assignment puzzle

Create a crossword puzzle:  Please create 20 phrases/ questionsand answers from chapter 6.  Please type in regular black ink using Calibri Body with 12 point font, not bold or any other color (-10 if incorrect).  Please use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar (-1 point for every error). Please create 4 phrases about the functions of … Read more


Page 80 Figure 11.1 (#1-8) After each label write two functions in a sentence format.  You will need to include the labels that have already been provided such as dermal papilla with a function. Page 81 (#1-6) Figure 11.2 (#1-6) After each label write two functions in a sentence format.  You will need to include … Read more

6 responses for topic 4 @75 words each

DQ1 1) J.W Re: Topic 4 DQ 1 Professor and class, There are various similarities and differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. Both processes are a form of reproduction, produce offspring, and occur in both plants and animals (some are asexual while others are sexual). Organisms which go through asexual reproduction produce offspring which are … Read more

Crossword puzzle

Create a crossword puzzle:  Please create 20 phrases/ questionsand answers from chapter 6.  Please type in regular black ink using Calibri Body with 12 point font, not bold or any other color (-10 if incorrect).  Please use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar (-1 point for every error). Please create 4 phrases about the functions of … Read more

Diabetes mellitus types 1 and 11

Write an essay of Diabetic mellitus types 1 and 11  MLA and APA style including pathophysiology   epidemiology/ biostatistic, sign and symptoms , diagnosis and treatment if any.   At the end of the paper bibliography/ reference/ and source must be including.  Every thing must be 1 or 1 1/2 pages.

com 210

  Compile an annotated bibliography of 3 resources you plan to cite for your Innovation Project. You should write this document in such a manner that you would feel comfortable showing it to your supervisor or colleague should they ask; remember that unlike as in academic writing, writing at work can suddenly find itself with a new and unanticipated … Read more

Cryrus Ken

Required Textbook Introduction to Physical Anthropology. 2013-2014/15th edition, Jurmain, Kilgore, Trevathan, & Ciochon Directions: Answer ALL four of the following questions/prompts in complete sentences and paragraphs. Type your answers directly in the text entry box below. You will be graded on the level of detail you include in your essays and the accuracy of the … Read more

College Admission Essay

Please address (1) How your background has prepared you for the CUSM MBS program and (2) How the CUSM MBS program fits with your personal goals. Word limit= 250 words. At least 1 page. Double-spaced, font Times New Roman or Arial size 11 and have 1-inch margins. Program Overview California University of Science of Medicine. … Read more

Reflection !

  This reflection paper must include comment and content based on week 1 or week 2. After each two-week module, students are required to submit a reflection paper that highlights a topic/subject of choice from the module readings. This could be something new learned, or alternatives to some solutions, or personal experience that relates to … Read more

Cell Division

Write a paper (500-750 words) outlining how disorders such as Trisomy 21 occur. Be sure to address the following questions: When does DNA replication take place in the cell cycle? When do strands of DNA form chromosomes? What is a replicated chromosome? How does this differ from a chromosome pair? Is a cell containing replicated … Read more