Bacteria and Archaea

Step 1: Define Bacteria and archaea.These two terms used to be classified together.  Discuss what discoveries lead to the separation of these two groups.  Identify the technique(s) were used to reclassify these organisms.  Discuss whether or not archaea has a role in human health and disease .

Discussion help #2

 What is the role of leadership as it relates to vision, mission, and strategy in an organization? Give specific examples. Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length.  Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond substantively to at least two … Read more

551 – 1

   Read: 1. The story of Christopher Sercye 2. Baylor Proceedings on EMTALA   3.More on EMTALA and the 250 yard rule that followed Sercye   4. Read Millard v. Corrado A note before reading Millard v. Corrado. This case preceded EMTALA. As a result the federal law was not applied by the court. I … Read more

Auto Immune Disorder

  Using the Internet, conduct a search of autoimmune disorders. How many disorders can you find? What tissues can be attacked by your immune system? Select one autoimmune disease to summarize. What are the common signs and symptoms exhibited in a patient with this disease? Include a strong introduction. Your response should be at least … Read more

sport skill

We began looking at the movement that is taking place at each joint in Unit 1 and with our muscular anatomy, we can examine what muscles are creating those motions. Using the sports skill from Unit 1, create an Excel spreadsheet to breakdown the movement at each joint during each phase of the movement. The … Read more

Language Paper

  Language comprehension is a key process in everyday life. In this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of how we develop, produce, and comprehend language. Imagine you work in an elementary school setting, and you have been asked to write an article to be featured in the teacher newsletter on language acquisition and comprehension … Read more

Case study urinalysis

Maria had a standard urinalysis and the results worried her doctor. In her urine was tiny amount of protein. The doctor order more extensive test. Why is her doctor concern its only little protein.  What other test should the doctor order? When the test comes back the doctor orders her to go on an ACE … Read more

Discussion 7.1: Reflection

  After learning about Nutrition in our bodies, reflect on any information that you found to be valuable with the class. Include anything that surprised you. Discuss how learning about Nutrition can be beneficial in your current or future professional setting.

Assignment 7.1: Community and the Aging Adult

  Step 1: Using the information from your textbook, power point presentations, and the Internet; write a one to two page paper on the following topic: A communitys response to the physical and mental health needs of its aging population has become a highly publicized topic within recent years.   Taking into account your community’s elderly … Read more


1000 words total answer each question  Case Study 1 Mr. Reynolds, age 65, is slowly recovering from a recent heart attack. He has a history of emphysema but is having more difficulty breathing. He dislikes medications and any form of therapy. Using normal anatomy and physiology, discuss how impaired ventilation can interfere with cardiac recovery … Read more