Water in your Diet

Discuss the importance of water in your diet. Include the impact that water can have on the minerals in your diet Determine what type of water is most beneficial for optimal absorption.  Identify if there any potential dangers of drinking too much water

Stress and the Body

Discussion 5.1: Stress and the Body Stress continues to have a significant impact on health during adulthood. Psychoneuroimmunologists, who study the relationship between the brain, immune system, and psychological factors, conclude that stress produces three main consequences. Identify the three main consequences of stress. Discuss the cultural factors that may influence the body’s reaction to … Read more


Complete attached template in all sections  Dx: Left hip fracture Summary :  is an 85-year-old white female with a history of osteoporosis. She lives at home by herself where she fell and broke her left hip yesterday evening, after having complaints of dizziness, weakness, and fatigue. She is scheduled to have surgery in 2 days. … Read more


  Touchstone 3 ASSIGNMENT: Review the in-text comments and summary feedback you received on your Touchstone 2.2 draft to deepen and extend your analysis of your topic. Submit a revision of your Touchstone 2.2 draft that reflects the feedback. Include a copy of your Touchstone 2.2 draft below the “Think About Your Writing” questions for … Read more

Case wiki 1 need by 9pm

Explain the definition of civil society from page 17 of the Cohen textbook. b. What are Oxfam’s positions supported by? c. What significant relationships has Oxfam built? d. Describe the “Brady Plan. e. Describe the difference between bilateral and multilateral debts. f. What forms of advocacy did activists use in “50 years is Enough”? g. What results did the activists reach? h. … Read more


  Select a urinary or reproductive system disorder and research it. Complete the attached concept map including: What is the pathophysiology of one urinary or reproductive system disorder What is the etiology of the selected urinary or reproductive system What are the clinical manifestations of the selected urinary or reproductive system disorder What is the … Read more


 Case : The RN is caring for a 62-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency room with nausea, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain in the URQ. After diagnostic testing and general surgery consult it was decided she will require a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The surgeon states the patient is ready to sign the surgical consent. … Read more


Create a care using the template below with information provided for the patient  Dx: Left hip fracture Summary :  is an 85-year-old white female with a history of osteoporosis. She lives at home by herself where she fell and broke her left hip yesterday evening, after having complaints of dizziness, weakness, and fatigue. She is … Read more

Water in your Diet

  Discuss the importance of water in your diet. Include the impact that water can have on the minerals in your diet Determine what type of water is most beneficial for optimal absorption.  Identify if there any potential dangers of drinking too much water

Peer Influence in Adolescence

  Assignment 5.1: Peer Influence in Adolescence Step 1: Using the information from your textbook, power point presentations, and the Internet; write a one to two page paper on the following topic: Explain how peer influences change during adolescence Include Piaget’s formal operational stage of development and how it may impact the thoughts and choices … Read more