Urinary System Provider Newsletter

Must include pictures.   (260 to 350 words)   Imagine you are an office manager at a health care facility that includes cardiology, respiratory, gastroenterology, and urology departments. As the office manager, you have been given the task of creating a newsletter for new and existing patients. The newsletter will inform patients about different body … Read more

anatomy paper homework

Hello, I need help on this assignment for anatomy class. there is questions that i need to answer and wrtie in apa format. This needs to be done by Sat night  Address each question listed in the Signature Assignment document as it relates to the case study given. Read through the case study in the … Read more

Life span and development

 Discuss the importance of balance in play and learning in preschool children, especially the impacts this has on brain development. Write a letter to your local school board to encourage more recess and play in the schools and use evidence and information from your textbook to persuade them to increase more physical activities for students while also addressing … Read more

Genetic Technology, Reproductive Biology and Genetics

1.  Explain the main components of male and female reproductive system. 2.  Explain the main reproductive hormones in female and describe their role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy 3.  Compare the processes of mitosis and explain their significance. 4.  Define key terms in genetics and summarise the outcomes of simple monohybrid crosses. 5.  Predict … Read more

Week 5 case study

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook Weekly Concepts Minimum of 1 scholarly source Scenario/Summary Manuel loved the outdoors and loved playing softball. There was no better way to spend a weekend than on the diamond hitting the ball and cooking burgers on the park grill. “Hey Jose, great game this afternoon,” … Read more


Please type the questions in black regular ink using Calibri body with 12 point font (-10 if incorrect). Please paraphrase each question and answer in your own words. No credit will be awarded for any copied answers. Please be sure to make your answer known by using bold, underlining it, highlighting it, or using red … Read more


Refer to table 9.9: Germicidal Categories According to Chemical Group in your textbook, page 266. Using the information on the table and what you have learned about Microbes answer the following questions: If you could only choose one chemical agent to use in your home, which would you choose and why?  Why would you not … Read more

Huma anatomy and psychology

UNIT 3 Communication, Control, and Integration. Chapter 25 Endocrine Regulation. Chapter 26 Endocrine Glands. Compose 400 words or more discussion to respond the following: What is meant by the term target cells? How are steroid hormones able to pass through the cells plasma membrane easily? Name some of the different general types of Non steroid … Read more

Assignment 4.1: Osteoarthritis

  Step 1: Write a one to two page paper on osteoarthritis.  Discuss what type of disease it is. Include what types of anatomy is affected in osteoarthritis Describe the physiological characteristics found in patients with osteoarthritis. Explain treatment options for patients with osteoarthritis. Assignment Expectations for Grading:   1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability … Read more