Special Senses

Introduction: Special senses are the senses that have organs specifically devoted to experiencing them and include vision, gustation, olfaction, hearing, and equilibrium. Each of these specialized organs detects and processes certain stimulus and send a signal to the brain which leads to the perception of that stimulus. In this post, students should pick a sensory … Read more

Germicides in your Home

  Refer to table 9.9: Germicidal Categories According to Chemical Group in your textbook, page 266. Using the information on the table and what you have learned about Microbes answer the following questions: If you could only choose one chemical agent to use in your home, which would you choose and why?  Why would you … Read more

Endocrine Regulation. Endocrine Glands.

  What is meant by the term target cells? How are steroid hormones able to pass through the cells plasma membrane easily? Name some of the different general types of Non steroid hormones. Give an example of each. Name some ways in which hormones can work together to regulate a tissue. Why are Prostaglandins (PGs … Read more

Urinary system

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: What did you learn about the urinary system that was new? How will you use that information when billing and coding? Provide examples.  What are some common conditions/ diseases of this body system? What did you find most interesting?

Week 4 case study

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook Weekly Concepts Minimum of 1 scholarly source Scenario/Summary Shanice was a vibrant 16-year-old who was enjoying her high school years. As a good student, she loved attending school and woke every morning eager to start the day. A popular girl, she was surrounded by many … Read more

Diseases Related to Homeostatic Instability

Step 1: Identify three diseases related to homeostatic instability within the integumentary system. Describe the cause of each disease Explain the physical characteristics of each disease Identify the symptoms that your patient may experience Assignment Expectations for Grading:   1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material  2. Comprehensiveness and completeness … Read more

Diseases Related to Homeostatic Instability

 Identify three diseases related to homeostatic instability within the integumentary system. Describe the cause of each disease Explain the physical characteristics of each disease Identify the symptoms that your patient may experience Assignment Expectations for Grading:   1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material  2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your … Read more

Dis 2

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among people in the United States.  Approximately 25% of deaths in this country can be attributed to heart disease ().  Fast food contains a significantly high amount of unhealthy fats, which contribute to the development of heart disease.  In recent years, there have been several local governments … Read more


Health 104 requires the student to write one research paper on a contemporary health topic. The topic that you choose should have personal significance to you, so that your research may benefit you. Your paper should include the following characteristics: Typed and Double Spaced Seven to Ten pages in length. Bibliography that includes five sources of information/references. Done … Read more

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Folic Acid and vitamin B-12 are examples of water-soluble vitamins which cannot be produced in sufficient quantities within the body.  Discuss the funtion of folic acid and vitamin B-12 Include key dietary sources to increase these vitamins in the body through nutrition Explain what might result from a prolonged deficiency oh these water-soluble vitamins