24 hours

   Assessment Questions: Question 1: Do some research on the Internet to find current opinions on the pros and cons of using SaaS. Try to find some examples of success and failure stories. Under what circumstances do you think using SaaS makes sense?  Question 2: From the perspective of a Fitter salesman, list the benefits … Read more

Discussion 5

I. Introduction (6 pts) Watch the video “”, then write responses to the following questions:   What are your initial thoughts on the video above and on the topic of the impact of Animal Agriculture on Climate Change?  Note that other alternatives could be used instead of beans. (50-100 words minimum)          … Read more

Case study unit 6

Post your answers to the questions from the Case Study Chapter 12: “Ecuador: The Campaign against Texaco Oil, in the Cohen text. a. What new advocacy effort did you learn from this case study? b. What critic would you share with the advocates to make their efforts more effective? c. Would you have used a … Read more


Write a summary with minimum 300 words on this article and comments you may have.  https://www.bayjournal.com/news/pollution/forever-chemicals-found-in-mosquito-spray/article_f159caae-be44-11eb-a307-136f1e350242.html?ct=t(RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN)

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Contacto: [email protected] https://rollandmeds.com/products/where-to-buy-nembutal-online/ whatsapp: +31 6 86294452 Tiene una enfermedad terminal, est dbil, deprimido y quiere renunciar a su vida por el dolor del mundo? Ha estado buscando un medio confiable y eficiente para lograr una muerte pacfica sin perder su dinero? Alguna vez ha pensado en el medicamento de salida pacfica Nembutal Pentobarbital Sodium … Read more

week 7

To graze or not to graze… is a never-ending question throughout the Western US.   There are valid points on both sides of the argument.   You are to explore the issue and write a 2-3 page paper arguing for AND against livestock grazing.  “A” quality work will reference points from Weeks 1-5 material. You … Read more

week 3

Species Adaptations Brochure Start AssignmentPlant and animal adaptations to survive… thrive… in harsh environments are just downright cool!  In this assignment, you will get a chance to identify and explore morphological and physiological features of plant and animal species with particular adaptations to heat and drought.   You are to create a 1-2 page educational … Read more

Acids and Bases

Concepts Explored: pH; acids, bases, neutral solutions; factors affecting pH; buffers; pH in household solutions. Experiments: In this set of procedures you will test the pH of household and biological solutions. You will also study how buffers work when acids or bases are added to a solution. This activity will require about 2 hours. Please log … Read more


 Essay question 1.   12.Explain what edge effect is and its potential effects on both abiotic and biotic factors. Describe one example from a peer-reviewed study. Give the citation by including the URL of the article. (2 and a 1/2 pages minimum)   Essay question 2.  15.Explain the differences between species richness and species evenness of a … Read more


     Choose and answer three (3) questions from below. Clearly indicate the numbers of the questions you are answering. If the wrong number is indicated, points could be deducted. If more than three questions are answered, only the first three will be graded. Use your own words. 10 points Explain what CITES is and how … Read more