
  For the presentation part of your project you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation about your case study (look at instructions in the Semester Project module of the course content).  Make it appealing and informative for your classmates.  You will be graded on the presentation (see presentation grading rubric) and responses to your … Read more

500 word write- up of the problem presented in the video

Watch a video and provide a 500 (+/- 50) word write-up ( APA) of the problem presented in the videos and provide potential solutions. Each write-up must contain a reference list with at least three primary literature references. Use the title of the video as the title of your upload.  video: You must have 500 … Read more

General Ecology

Short answers. Choose and answer four (4) questions from below. Clearly indicate the numbers of the questions you are answering. If the wrong number is indicated, points could be deducted. If more than four questions are answered, only the first four will be graded. Use your own words. If the answers are directly copied from … Read more


  Visit, at minimum, the following websites for the Florida Everglades: After viewing the websites for the Florida Everglades, answer the questions below in your own words. It is unacceptable to copy and paste text from the site, and evidence of such will result in a zero for the assignment. Provide complete yet concise answer … Read more

Human Ecology

   The topic for this Research Paper Is; Water Scarcity (Human Ecology) The research paper must be a minimum of Total Five full pages, 12-point font, double spaced, APA format with a separate cover page and reference page. The following must be covered in the paper: Give a complete explanation of why your topic is … Read more

Biology/Habitat and Niche

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This week you are exploring the characteristics of our species and the  role we play in our ecosystem. Two terms commonly used to describe an  organisms place in the environment is their habitat and their  niche. A habitat is defined as an area inhabited by particular  species. A niche is defined as … Read more


What are the causes of economic disparities or representational disparities between and among racial and ethnic groups in society? Is it only because of negative discrimination (based on race/ethnicity)? What are the other relevant factors discussed by Thomas Sowell and/or Walter Williams? What, if anything, should our American federal or state governments do about economic … Read more


  Describe a city in the state of Georgia that has DECLINED in population. Make sure you name the city, describe it location in the state, and explain why its population has declined. Cite your references in or APA format. Now examine Atlanta whose population continues to grow and presents problems environmentally based upon its growth. … Read more

Review paper 9 pages

I need a 9 page paper review on ”Climate change coral reefs algae” in 24hrs. Ive included the 11 primary literatures, they all must be used, no additional articles/literaturs can be used. the topic must be explained clearly. I need explanations on 5 of the figures in the provided articles to be included in the … Read more