Writing Assignment Psychology of the Coronavirus

  Before beginning your paper on the psychology of COVID-19, please read this carefully. Using the skills, tools, concepts, and vocabulary you have gained from our class, write a paper on the psychology of COVID-19. You may focus on any aspect that feels meaningful and interesting to you. Chose one or two of the topics below … Read more

Complementary and Alternative Health Care

  1) Minimum 10 full pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per part.             Part 1: Minimum 1 page             Part 2: minimum 4 pages             Part 3: minimum 1 page             Part 4: minimum 4 pages     Submit 1 document per part 2)******APA norms           All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in … Read more

Is Yoga enough to keep you Fit?

500-1000 word journal critically reflecting on your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. You must include 1 peer reviewed source to support or challenge your experience. These sources should focus on the history and contemporary state of your practice.   Sources should be in APA format. Sources must not be an opinion or blog articles but rather … Read more

All Work Solver

DISCUSSION 1 Complete the SCS 100 Module Eight Journal Reflection Guideline and Rubric and SCS 100 Project 3 final reflection guideline and rubric that is uploaded below. DISCUSSION 2 Throughout the course, you learned about many different types of research and when and where it would be conducted. Despite all the different methods that psychologists … Read more

Human Pathophysiology Current Events week 6

Events Overview Pathophysiology is a field that is ever-changing due to technical advances and new research. The writing assignments that you will complete review some of the newest research on diseases and disorders. This assignment should include all proper APA (7th ed.) rules. Instructions Using a news website, such as , search for an article … Read more

6200 week 11 Discussion and 6051 Week 11 Discussion

   SOCW 6200: Human Behavior and the Social Environment I Week 11 Discussion: Indicators of Suicide Increased stress levels, feeling hopeless and alone, being bullied, or experiencing repeated physical or sexual abuse could all be reasons why some adolescents consider suicide. Adolescent suicide has far-reaching consequences on families, friends, communities, and schools. For this Discussion, … Read more


 Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 1. Describe the anatomy of the primary organ system in 23 slides, ensuring that you: a. Provide a description of the organ systems location as presented in the anatomical position within the human body. b. Describe the organs and structures contained in this organ system.  c. Identify … Read more

Human Pathophysiology Current Events week 5

Events Overview Pathophysiology is a field that is ever-changing due to technical advances and new research. The writing assignments that you will complete review some of the newest research on diseases and disorders. This assignment should include all proper APA (7th ed.) rules. Instructions Using a news website, such as , search for an article … Read more