
200 words or more Vitamin B Deficiencies Discussion Click the link below. Search the Science Daily website.  Type “Vitamin B deficiency” into the search bar. (Website opens new window)https:// Scroll past the Ads. Don’t chose the first artcile you see. Scroll through the list and chose an article that relates to your daily … Read more


Sustainability Goals 250-300 words Challenges like climate change are raising questions about how to feed a growing population in sustainable ways.  The United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals.  The purpose of these goals is to call every nation to find ways to promote prosperty while protecting the planet. Solutions involving nutrition can be … Read more

Questions 1

Describe what perspective of poverty the author addresses in these chapters. Examples may include a historical or economic perspective, religious, developmental, solution, etc. (2)   Describe how Christianity impacts/influences the matters noted in the first section. (3)   Share your personal insights regarding the ideas in these chapters and describe one way in which you can apply … Read more

Case Study

Maria is a sedentary, 68-year-old woman who is overweight. She complains that her hands and feet are always cold and she tires quickly when cleaning the house. Maria comes in for a visit. When she comes in for a visit, her blood pressure is one-eighty-four over ninety-eight. She has edema around her ankles and legs. … Read more


Instructions are on the screenshot link to the article below Summarization of the article in the next file next to the screenshot.


 In this activity, we will explore the issues of adolescent identity and peer groups. You will watch the 1985 movie, The Breakfast Club. Log onto the Library:   Go to:  ; click on Swank (scroll down) and follow directions. Read the text and this article: Discuss how realistic the portrayals of either a) peer relationships or b) … Read more


Define Bacteria and archaea. These two terms used to be classified together.  Discuss what discoveries lead to the separation of these two groups.  Identify the technique(s) were used to reclassify these organisms.  Discuss whether or not archaea has a role in human health and disease .

Visual Rhetoric

Visual Rhetoric Project Directions:  Create a visual argument to support one of the points you make in your Research Paper. Your visual argument can take the form of an advertisement/public service announcement, photo essay, political cartoon, comic strip, infographic, or another form of visual argument approved by your instructor. Make sure you use the special … Read more

Maximal Oxygen Consumption

I’m working on a kinesiology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study. I will provide for you two articles that you need to read to help you solve the worksheet and also excel data that you will need to use for completing part 15.2 in the worksheet. Let me know if … Read more

case study 2 due after 30 hours

Case Study 2 Adding to this weeks chapter reading and lecture, it is important to also consider the value of sport, recreation, and fitness facilities and whether a facility is sustainable. Essentially, we want to ask the questions of: What is the value of a facility? How is that value achieved? As one method to … Read more