HS415 Environmental Health

  Discussion Overview  Please review the Discussion Board Grading Rubric in the Course Resources. Each Unit, you are required to post one (1) initial response and two (2) replies to your peers and/or Professor. Your initial response should be at least 150 words and contain a reference list for the sources used to support your … Read more

Neuro 4

Describe the somatosensation of a tickle. Include a discussion of why tickling oneself does not, with some exception, typically have the same effect that being tickled by someone else has. Review a current research study that examines the importance or function of the tickle sensation.

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  Are you looking for the most trustworthy and affordable writer to assist you with your course work? Many students are afraid to ask for help because they are never sure if the service is genuine or not. Remember, if you get a quality paper, its good to note that it is the right company … Read more

HS415 Environmental Health

  Course Outcomes assessed in this Assignment HS415-6: Determine emerging environmental health problems and future challenges in protecting human health. Instructions Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a grant proposal to secure funding for future climate change related emerging environmental health issues in your community. The first step is to persuade the Board of … Read more

HU245 Ethics

  Environmental Ethics Position Paragraph Your task is to write a paragraph (maximum length of one page double spaced) that analyzes one of the following environmental ethical issues. You choose which issue to write about; in this assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. You must argue your position with ethical theory … Read more

Keystone Species

  Our focus this week is on ecology. Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environments. Watch the video , then address the following two issues: Why do you think that many keystone species are predators at the top of the food chain in their respective ecosystems? What … Read more

apa style

Refer to table 9.9: Germicidal Categories According to Chemical Group in your textbook, page 266. Using the information on the table and what you have learned about Microbes answer the following questions: If you could only choose one chemical agent to use in your home, which would you choose and why?  Why would you not … Read more


  Directions: After reviewing all of week 1 resources, respond to the following prompt.  An original response must be created by starting a new thread, and once you have completed your original response, you will be able to read and reply to other threads (original responses) created by your classmates. To receive full credit for … Read more

Communication, Control, and Integration.

What is meant by the term target cells? How are steroid hormones able to pass through the cells plasma membrane easily? Name some of the different general types of Non steroid hormones. Give an example of each. Name some ways in which hormones can work together to regulate a tissue. Why are Prostaglandins (PGs ) … Read more

biology homework

Please answer the following questions: 1.- What is a energy of activation ? ____________________________ 2.- Please name the 6 types of enzymes: ___________________________________. 3.- Please name the differences between competitive and noncompetitive inhibition _________________________ 4.- Most anabolic reactions are endergonic and require ________________________. 5.- Please name the optimal conditions, and its values, for the action … Read more