BI101 Unit 6 Discussion 2

  Discussion Topic Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a manner that does not occur naturally. The technology allows individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, also between non-related species. 1. Describe two specific examples of a commercially used … Read more

IB315 Unit 6 Current Event Discussion

 This discussion is about international markets and strategy. Conduct research on current events relating to one of the unit concepts of interest to you. Then, share your findings in an initial post. Try to choose a concept that has not been, or is rarely, addressed by your classmates. Review peers’ findings and then engage in an … Read more

BI101 Unit 6 Discussion 1

  Discussion Topic Inheritance of Genetic Disorders This unit we are learning about the inheritance pattern of genetic disorders. Some disorders require only a single copy of a mutated gene; these are dominant disorders. Other disorders are recessive in which two copies of the mutated gene are required. Some disorders are carried on one of … Read more

Environmental 2

  Go to the EPA website and learn about Are any of these options and/or types of programs available in YOUR local community/village/town? Which ones? Explain. What about in your home? Explain. If none are used in your local town or home, which could be? Explain. Please outline in your own words, one new thing … Read more

Biochemistry, Writing assignment

Identify a protein, nucleic acid or other biochemically relevant molecule.  Write one paragraph that briefly describes the molecule (or molecules), their function, composition and importance. Include two or more references.  Journal references, not web sites.  This description can be more historical and an overview- it need not be the latest bleeding edge research.  Introduce us … Read more


  Assignment Due February 15 at 11:59 PM Strategic Plan vs. Business Continuity Plan Strategic Planning and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans are crucial in the healthcare field. These plans assist the healthcare organization in meeting its goals and vision even when the unexpected events do occur. Preparedness is important to minimize disruption and … Read more

DB 2 543

   Chapter 7 and 9 Discussion Questions: Answer each, providing the page number in your book that you found the answer is required for each question. 1. Referring to page 179 and Exhibit 7.2 on page 180, provide a brief description of a written charter for an improvement project. 2. Referring to pages 188 -190 … Read more


 Considering transgenics only, what genetic characteristic would you incorporate into another species? Why? How would this benefit society or some segment of society? Be sure to discuss how the process would work. What is the source of the trait? What would the target species be? 

Must Be Original / No Plagiarism / Scholarly Resources / APA7 Format

Instructions Have you ever wondered what infections look like from the pathogens perspective? If our immune systems are so amazing, why do we get sick at all? During this simulation, youll undertake a series of challenges in preparation for an important global health investigation. Can you complete each task and add to the planets immunological … Read more

Discussion Board

  Discussion #6- Fermented Food (and drink) World Tour No unread replies.No replies. Cells must have ATP to survive. ATP is the form of energy that cells can use to do work. Cells get ATP through the breakdown of food (breaking bonds in the food molecules), mainly glucose. It does not matter if the cell … Read more