Statement of Purpose

Submit a typed (double spaced, 12 point font) statement of your objectives for seeking a BS degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Discuss your personal and professional goals. Discuss your background and how you became interested in Dietetics. Also, indicate why you have chosen to apply to the Dietetics program at Andrews University.


Regarding your personal/family resilience, do you have emergency preparedness and resilience plans for your own family or household? For how long, and for what kinds of events or scenarios have you planned? Are you prepared for scenarios such as power outages lasting several days, the need to evacuate, pandemic diseases or loss of your residence? … Read more

Week 1 Discussion PHE3070 Medical and Public Health Informatics

 Discussion Topic Due January 14 at 11:59 PM Public Health Surveillance Systems and Knowledge Management The overarching goal of public health informatics is to apply computer science and information technology to promote health and minimize disease and injury at the population level. Public health informatics uses data from surveys, vital statistics, hospital and clinical statistics, … Read more

Introduction to Public Health

P.E.R.I.E. Process In this Discussion Board share what you believe is the most difficult stage of the P.E.R.I.E. process for public health workers to carry out and why you believe this. Some of you may believe that defining exactly what the problem is, is what poses the most difficulty for health officials. Others might think … Read more

BI101 Unit 1 Discussion Post 1

The purpose of this Discussion topic is to not only introduce you to the concepts of Chemical Bonding, but to also ensure that you understand the proper use of resource material in order to avoid Plagiarism. In this class you will be exposed to new concepts and terms, which means you will need to use … Read more

BI101 Unit 1 Discussion Post 2

  Discussion Topic pH and the Scientific Method pH Your book defines pH as the measure of the relative acidity of a solution, ranging in value from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic). pH stands for potential hydrogen and refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions. (G-12) Living organisms (e.g., plants, animals, bacteria) require … Read more

Emerging Diseases

  Read the section ‘Emerging Diseases’ in your book (Ch1, Microbiology by Tortora) and discuss the following in one or two paragraphs using APA formatting and at least two references: Prompts: What are the challenges in combating emerging and reemerging diseases? Discuss some of the examples given your book Some steps we can take to prevent an … Read more

Legal Aspects of Health Information

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Describe the role and responsibilities of the HIM professional. Explain how to use professional organization sites to connect with fellow HIM professionals. Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment: HI135-1: Discuss legal terminology and the role and responsibilities of the health information management professional within the health care delivery system.  … Read more

Research Summary

You must find a scientific article on the topic “African American maternal mortality” and link it to genetic reasoning. NO PLAGARISM. Once you find an article that fits the topic, you must read it and summarize it in 3-4 pages. Must have reference.