2 pg Essay on US GDP (willing to negotiate $$$)

Draft a two-page report on the GDP behavior over the period 2000-01 to 2020 and describe business cycle over the same period. Determine the GDP share of consumption, GDP share of investment, GDP share of government spending, and GDP share of net exports. What GDP component has the largest share? What have you learned about … Read more

Social Responsibility in International Trade

   ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION: Assume the following hypothetical scenario: Topnotch Protection Corporation is an American company that manufactures cost-effective protective covers for smartphones made out of innovative composite material, which currently are being manufactured and sold only in the United States. Topnotch has received interest for its innovative protective covers from various countries in Africa, Asia, … Read more

JD:Week9 Assignment

  Learning Resources (see attachments) Readings Course Text: McEntire, D. A. (2019). Introduction to homeland security: Understanding terrorism with emergency management (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley. Chapter 8, “Preventing Terrorist Attacks: Root Causes, Law, Intelligence, and Counterterrorism” (pp. 161 -166) Article: Carter, D. L. & Carter, J. G. (2009). The intelligence fusion process for state, local, and … Read more

JD: Week 9:Discussion question

 Indicators and Warnings Searching for and recognizing indicators of potential terrorist activity require a great deal of focus, determination, and patience, especially given the extensive amount of information that must be reviewed. At best, indicators can prevent terrorist attacks. At worst, indicators can be inaccurate or irrelevant. Indicators of potential terrorist activity are wide ranging … Read more

macroeconomics essay

hi ! I would like to know if you can make an macroeconomics work for me. the paper should explain the topic and its relevance in terms of economics.  The writing assignment should explain the topic and connect the topic to macroeconomics. Topics include: 1) China and United States trade relations, 2) Status of Labor … Read more

Term Paper Assignment

  Reflect back on the various chapters and topics that we have covered in the course (e.g., motivation,  bullying, stress, job design, team development, power in the workplace, cross-cultural communication, negotiating, transformational leadership, organizational culture, psychological contracts, equity theory, organizational politics) and ‘real-world’ situations that you have experienced (or are presently experiencing). Prepare a paper … Read more

Expected Value

 Identify a situation that involves making decisions using expected value, and detail the different options, expectations, and payouts. Discuss the risks involved with those expectations and, if applicable, the payouts. Include in your discussion an explanation of how to determine how much information to gather to minimize uncertainty. Finally, explain which decision should be made. 

Week 4

 This is a discussion post not a paper, however need two citations.  Context: For this week’s discussion, the focus will be on examining Porter’s Five Forces as a tool for looking at the pressure on profits. Specifically, how does Porter’s analysis examine the stress on profits from all directions and all dimensions of a firm’s environment?  You will be … Read more

Economic Recession 2008

Question: Economic Recession 2008 The Process for completing this assignment First, locate articles related to the subject chosen. Complete the list below for each article. The article presented first should be based upon the alphabetical order of the article title. Cite the article using the APA style. Write a concise summary in your own words, … Read more


   11:59 p.m. on May 2 st, due .. Please make the model curve in the paper Assignment Details and Requirements: Assume you have been hired as an economic analyst by the government. In your role you are required to produce an appendix to the state of the nation report to government ministers. This report … Read more