Microeconomics Research Paper

 1,800 word paper and include six or more credible sources. Two of the resources must be from academic journals. Must include the following four sections: An introduction that introduces the selected topic and discusses how the analysis was conducted. A literature review that provides a detailed summary of the economic circumstances and facts that serve … Read more


  Assignment TasksFor this assignment, you are required to perform the following tasks:1. Understand the assignment dataset by going through the information given in the annexures and the excel spreadsheet.2. Use the information given in the annexures to identify the potential data quality issues in the variables. Suggest a mechanism to deal with these data … Read more

1 page on trade and industrial policy

 Write a one page argument for what trade policies you think the government ofshould pursue. ( Tanzania  ) This paragraph is not just descriptive. Instead, you should make an argument: take a stand on a specific policy and defend your choice. You will be graded not on which policy you choose, but rather how well … Read more

Econ 202 Written Assignment

   Topic: You can choose a business or industry that has been impacted by COVID 19. I want you to write a 2 page paper on how you think the pandemic has effected the business and the impact on society. I want you to relate the topic to the economic  effects on the society. This … Read more

Urgent 1

  Microeconomics Case Study Instructions In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find microeconomic data from public sources and to make a simple spreadsheet in Excel. Start by choosing an industry that interests you. Remember that an industry is a group of companies that do the same thing. For example, Ford is a … Read more

ECO-202-T4386 Macroeconomics 21EW4

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Make decisions informed by macroeconomic principles and the business cycle Determine the economic impact of historical and current events using models of macroeconomics Assess how changes to macroeconomic policies impact the economy Scenario You have just completed your seven-year term as the … Read more

End of Oil

Discuss the following questions. According to Richard Sears (Richard Sears @ TED), our civilization has been using less and less oil, essentially, decarbonizing. He states, that we will never run out of oil, rather, the move away from oil will happen though innovation. Do you agree with his point of view? Why?


Macropoland is currently experiencing a recession–consumption and investment are very sluggish, and unemployment is quite high at 9%. Currently, inflation is very low at 0.4% (the historical average rate of inflation is about 2%). The Macropolish President has just hired you as her economic advisor. Your job is to prescribe policy that would enable the … Read more