SF: Literature Review

 Please see the Fact Sheet (see attachment) and add additional research information  A total of 8 pages and it does not title page and references. You will write a literature review that provides the foundation for your Desired Advocacy Outcome (DAO), synthesizing the argument for your Desired Advocacy Outcome (DAO) from the professional literature. This … Read more


PLEASE 1-3-1 ESSAY RULES 1 introduction paragraph, 3 reasons paragraph and 1 conclusion paragraph  Choose one Essay Topics on Business Communication A. Dress code is unnecessary for office employees. Give three reasons to support your position. B. Should companies refuse to hire candidates who smoke? Why or why not? Give three reasons to support your … Read more

Short Paper

 Choose one article and write a short paper (4-5 pages, 11 font, double-spaced) that summarizes the article, assesses its argument, and discusses its implications. Your paper should be well-written and edited, and address the article in an integrated, coherent manner. You can easily access these articles’ pdf on google.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304393205000036 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444532381000107 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.3982/ECTA8994


Respond to the following prompts in a post with a minimum of 150 words, then you comment on other post. Commenting other posts are optional. Thinking back to the business cycle discussion, how would Keynesian economists explain the performance of the economy during the last few years? What has happened to aggregate demand? What evidence can … Read more

microeconomics paper wage

There is a serious debate about increasing the minimum wage. Some say there is no need for a minimum wage while others say we need to raise it substantially. Voters in Florida just voted for a $15 an hour minimum wage. Your assignment is to read the attached article and write:  1) A TWO page … Read more

SMGT 506 – Written Assignment: Initial Public Offering

Written Assignment: Initial Public Offering  Instructions Overview Research a sport related initial public stock offering (Security and Exchange Commission filings and financial media reports are good starting points). Assess the success of the IPO including a report of how much capital was raised. Address the following questions: How did the business plan to use the … Read more

SMGT 506 – Discussion: Capital Funding through the SBA (Mod 5 & 6)

Topic: Debt Financing and the Small Business Administration Thread: After reviewing relevant areas of the www.sba.gov website and researching a few Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan awards via www.usaspending.gov, explore and share an example of one specific, sport related SBA loan recipient.  You can use the filters to search by state, zip code, and year.  Be sure to focus … Read more

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  Discuss the utility theory and its assumptions. Assignment: The trade game is a way of examining how economic trading of resources affects individual utility. Imagine the economy consists of the following resources (denoted by colored slips of paper): White Purple Brown Orange Blue Gray Green Yellow Gold The objective of the game is to … Read more


  ECON – Urban Land Economics  Applications of economic principles to the economic role of cities and the spatial structure of urban areas. Topics include land use and the built environment, urban external effects and land use, land-use planning and the urban land market, and the role of cities as centers of consumption and production. 


  Select a peer-reviewed article from the university library, agency website, or GAO report dealing with some aspect of Port Development, involving ports and networks of services and how port policy impacts them.  1. Prepare a minimum of 10 slide PowerPoint Presentation dissecting the article that was selected. The presentation should be in APA format citing appropriate sources. Remember that … Read more