urban, cost benefit analysis

I attached the first assignment that I did.  Please follow the instructions to do the second one based on the first topic.  It has a small portion of excel but it’s only numbers estimated.  Then write half a page to a page answering the questions assigned.

urban, cost benefit analysis

I attached the first assignment that I did.  Please follow the instructions to do the second one based on the first topic.  It has a small portion of excel but it’s only numbers estimated.  Then write half a page to a page answering the questions assigned.

Managerial Economics Research Paper

This assignment is an individual-specific assessment of the industry in which you currently work or of the industry in which you intend to work after completing your MBA.  You should discussion the sources of the value created within your particular industry in 5-6 pages.  Your brief document should address the following issues: Brief description of your current … Read more


500 words personal statement: Why you want to apply for this program? Why the program should admit you? What are you expecting upon graduation from this program? Economics

Discussion post

  Please read Chapters 13 & 14 and answer the two following questions: During the early days of the Internet, most dot-coms were driven by revenues rather than profits. A large number were even driven by hits to their site rather than revenues. This all changed in early 2000, however, when the prices of unprofitable … Read more


   1-Suppose that government environmental agencies decide exactly how much of each kind of industrial pollutant they will allow within a given airshed, and sell the rights to discharge these quantities of pollutants to the highest bidder.  Which firms would offer the highest bids?  How could citizens interested in cleaner air than the environmental agencies … Read more

Research Paper

Chosen Topic: Is the U.S on its way to becoming a cashless society?     Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop an independent analysis of an issue related to money and banking using concepts and theories learned in class.  Description: The research paper for this course is … Read more

College Overview

Objectives Identify key components of technology-enhanced learning as presented in the Introduction to Online Learning video. Take a self-assessment quiz to determine what your strengths and aptitudes may be in taking courses with technology enhancements. Directions Watch the video presentation , from California Community Colleges, to get a sense of what possibilities await if you … Read more

Types of Students

  Objective Identify similarities and differences among different types of students compared to yourself Directions Think about your favorite class this term and about your fellow students in that class. Make a list of all the similarities with them that you sense, feel, or notice. Then make a list of all the differences between you … Read more

Personal Identity

  Assess Your Personal Identity and Values In the following activity, you will sample several self-assessment surveys to gain insights about your personal identity, values, educational goals, and career goals. By better understanding the interconnections, you are in a better position to make solid college and career choices. Objectives Examine several surveys that help you … Read more