U.S. Poverty Line Assignment

Answer both of these questions in one document. The official U.S. poverty line for a family of four was $24,300 in 2016. Imagine you are head of a four-person household (two parents, one 10-year-old child and one 2-year-old child) that earns 5% above the official poverty line. Your household income is $25,515, or $2,126.50 per … Read more

Project Case

 The  is usually presented by Senior Management within the business to an identified Business Sponsor. It is completed after the Business Case and Feasibility Study have been approved but before the Project Team is formally appointed. Furthermore:  Project Charter defines the boundaries of the project. It describes in detail the scope of the project, within which all deliverables must be … Read more

Assignment 7

    Question 1 (Summary of 16&17 chapter)Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), the term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. (Summary of 16&17 chapter). Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:   Interview an … Read more

Discussion Board

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices. Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries. Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States. Evaluate the two matrices using current … Read more


International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twiceonce for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following: supply or demand for the particular good, the competitiveness of that goods … Read more

Discussion 2 Part 2

 How does an infinitely or indefinitely repeated Prisoners Dilemma game differ from a finitely repeated or one-time game? Review the Prisoner Dilemma game from the textbook or internet search and discuss the game; the players; the process; the outcomes or wanted/not wanted outcomes, etc… This question is left wide open so you can discuss the … Read more

Discussion 2 Part 3

  As world trade continues to increase due to supply and demand, how will ports accommodate this increase in cargo? What are the issues facing ports as they promote themselves and increase cargo? What are some specific solutions that address these issues and problems both in short-term and long-term operations? In addressing these questions, choose … Read more

Discussion 2

 We know that it is important to have a good working relationship between carriers and shippers to ensure a quality, professional delivery is made each time.  What are some of the factors that we need to consider when we are looking to make a solid, positive relationship with our potential shippers? And how does our relationship … Read more

HW 2

  Instructions Please show all work for this assignment and explain all your work. The 2000 Libertarian Party96Platform asserts “Government interference in transportation is characterized by monopolistic restriction, corruption and gross inefficiency. We therefore call for the dissolution of all government agencies concerned with transportation … We call for the privatization of …, public roads, … Read more

Stock Investment Project

You have $10,000 (of imaginary money) to invest in the stock market.  You are to choose a company, and track its progress for eight weeks.  You will chart its price per share every Friday(after the stock market closes at 4:00PM) from February 12, 2021 through April 2, 2021, and prepare a formal written report.  (NOTE: … Read more