supply chain

   Everyone: Do you practice Mise En Place in your everyday life? Why or why not? Explain and give two examples. (at least100 words) Everyone: Find and explain a situation when you didnt do it right the first time and had to do it again. Analyze it. (at least 100 words) 1.Find an example and … Read more

Econometrics Worksheet

 a)   Estimate a standardized regression model with ypcgr as the dependent variable and explanatory variables edavg, testavg, and ypc60.  Dont forget to suppress the intercept (constant) in your regression.  Report your regression here.  Interpret the coefficients of your regression model.  Which has a greater effect on growth?  Years in School or Test Scores?     b) … Read more

Strategic managment

The assignment requires to identify a global business opportunity and develop a transnational plan to take advantage of the business opportunity. for this  identify potential markets, absolute and comparative advantage business opportunity analysis S.W.O.T analysis potential competitors  competitive advantages international strategies

SMGT 506 – Discussion: Innovative Revenue Management

  Topic: Innovative Revenue Management Thread:  After reading pages 49-51 and chapters 5 & 6 in the text, the following blog post () and the links within it, think of a sport organization you are involved with or a facility you recently visited and discuss how assets, inventory, and revenue streams are being managed; what are they doing … Read more

SMGT 506 – Written Assignment: Sport Organization Revenue & Expenses Assignment

Written Assignment: Sport Organization Revenue and Expenses Assignment Instructions Overview Based on official information from financial statements and reports or well-developed estimates in the popular financial press, list the revenue sources and amounts and major expenses and amounts of a sport related business entity (professional sports club, college athletic department, youth travel club, major sports … Read more

financial management

 When you consider two different financing plans, does being at the level where earnings per share are equal between the two plans always mean you are indifferent as to which plan is selected? In your opinion, please explain how the earnings per share may impact your decision of considering the two different plans. 

Economics Essay

ECO 2023- Market Structure and Anti-trust Law Write a two-page, doubled -spaced 12 sized Arial font report in which you detail the evolution of antitrust policy in the U.S since the first antitrust case of 1890. Try to specifically show these major pieces of legislation have contributed to promote fair business practices and trade as … Read more

MH: FD003

  Overview The purpose of corrections is a hotly debated issue: Is the role of corrections to punish offenders or rehabilitate people? When offenders reenter society, should they be provided assistance to integrate, or should they be left to their own devices? There is no easy answer to these questions, and every criminal justice system, … Read more

Data Analysis Project

  Per the Department guidelines, this course requires a mandatory data project. Your course grade will be “Incomplete” without the submission of this data project. The project involves the following five parts: Introduction (what is the hypothesis you want to test; what is the population data you have in mind) data collection (what your sample … Read more

JD:Week 6: Discussion 2

 Implementing the 9/11 Comission Recommendations In 2005, the 9/11 Commission gave their final report on the status of their recommendations. They assessed the implementation of their recommendations in the form of letter grades. Of the 41 recommendations listed, a total of 28 had a letter grade of a C or below. When the Commission reviewed … Read more